Chapter 27

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"So, what happens now?" Liam asked softly as we walked through the snow-filled streets.

I shrugged and looked down at my feet, “I guess I should just go home, after Christmas, and get away from all of this. If it really is my passion, then I’ll somehow end up in it again." I mumbled and Liam stopped walking completely.

I turned to look at him and he had tears in his eyes. I felt horrible that I was the one making him so upset. I wiped away one of my tears and shoved my hands in my pockets, “Please don’t cry because then I’m going to fall apart and won’t be able to forgive myself." I choked out through tears.

A tear slid down his face and we both hugged each other as tight as we could. I kept trying figure out which path I should choose in my head. Either follow my dreams, be with the boy I’ve always wanted, and disappoint my father, or go home, please my father, be unhappy, and start a lonely career in fashion.

I pulled away and wiped the last of my tears, realizing I had to pick the second one.

"I’m so sorry." I said softly before quickly walking in the other direction. I didn’t even look back, no matter how badly I wanted to. I took a decently long walk to attempt to clear my head. After two hours or so, and not being successful with the head-clearing, I headed back to the hotel. I was greeted by four confused boys in the lobby and I just asked them to give me a chance to let off some steam.

I trekked up to my room, lucky enough to be greeted by my lovely mother. “Jane! Oh good, your back early! Let’s go shopping!"

"Mom, you need to leave."

"Excuse me?!"

"You need to pack your bags and get the soonest flight back to France."

"But Jane! I came here for you!"

"No, you came to the person who you can get away with verbally abusing, you don’t give a fuck about me, you just needed an excuse to take time off your ‘time consuming’ job. Well you know what? I know you use that as an excuse to get out of our house, so your covers blown. Just leave and don’t let the fucking door hit you on the way out!" I screamed and slammed the door to my room. I fell to my knees and silently sobbed to myself.

My mind went to little Lucy at the coffee shop. She was so carefree and happy with her life. She wasn’t worried about her future, or career. All she has to worry about is who will buy her a cookie. I wish my life was that way.

I heard the door slam and realized I was completely alone. I literally had no one.

I stripped off my clothes and slipped into a big tshirt I stole from Harry before climbing into the huge, lonely bed. I pulled the sheets tightly around me and buried myself in pillows. I heard the door creek open and someone climb into the bed with me. They wrapped their arms around my stomach and pulled me closer to them.

"So, that’s where my shirt went."


I lifted the pillow from my face and looked up into his green eyes. “What happened?" he asked softly and I sat up. I explained how I was leaving after Christmas and how me and Liam were almost dating, but my dad said no, and what happened with my mom. “But we love having you on tour with us." he whined as he drew patterns on the sheets that were laying across us.

"I love being with you guys, but things are only going to get worse."

"How do you know that for sure? What if it turns out great?" I just started sobbing and Harry lightly scratched my back while I violently let out my emotions. He moved me so I was sitting in front of him. “Jane, look at me." he demanded softly and gently tilted my chin so I was looking at him. “You are one of my best friends, and I hate seeing you so upset. I love you like a sister and I want you to know I will always be here for you."

My tears got heavier and I nodded, “I love you too, Harry." He pulled me into a huge hug and we just laid there and talked the rest of the night.

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