Chapter Eleven

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It was officially two days before Christmas Day.

Sydney was basically buzzing with excitement. She had just secretly wrapped up all her gifts this morning, thankfully, she found it relatively easy to buy things for her friends and family. Then, she had eaten half the gingerbread cookies her sister had made. So, she was just a bit hyper at the moment. Hyper Sydney meant weird Sydney.

She lay on her bed now, staring at the ceiling as she tried to figure out what to do for the rest of the day. Her leg bounced up and down despite her efforts at keeping still. Thankfully her phone rang at that moment and she dove for it.

"Hello?" she yelled without checking the caller ID.

"Uhh, you alright there Syd?" Sydney immediately recognized Dion's warm tones.

"Yes, yeah, peachy perfect, as always! What's up? Oh, and I am definitely not hyper!" she shouted out, waving her free hand in the air.

"Of course you're not. Anyway, wanna come down? We have baking to do if you're up for it!" Dion chirped, easily matching her tone.

"Really?" Sydney clarified, wondering if she was in a weird dream at the moment. She pinched herself. "Owwwww!" Nope, no dream here.

"You alright there Syd?" Dion asked cautiously.

"Most definitely! I didn't pinch myself!" Sydney answered immediately. "I'll be there in ten!"

She jolted out of bed, grabbing her coat, boots and other winter attire.

"I'm hijacking the car sissy!" she yelled into Marian's room. Without waiting for a response, she shot out of the house like there were demons after her.

As promised, she was in Sugar Sweet Café within ten minutes.

Dion greeted her enthusiastically. The café had been closed for last few days as the Gallenger family prepared for tomorrow's Christmas party.

"Hey Sydney," Kaila yelled, popping her flour-smudged face out of the kitchen to wave. She looked back to normal.

"Hey Kaila," Sydney shouted back, waving her hands back and forth. The two girls engaged in a sudden waving war. Sydney was in the midst of jumping up and down while waving both her arms when Mrs. Gallenger appeared from behind the other kitchen flap, interrupting the contest between Kaila and Sydney.

"Hello Mrs G!"

"Hey Sydney!" Mrs. Gallenger replied, with a gentle smile. "Are you helping us make the cakes today?"

Sydney nodded, her eyes lighting up as she heard the word 'cake', "

"Awesome, come on back."

Sydney hesitated. "Are you sure it's okay for me to intrude on your family tradition?"

"Yes of course! You are not intruding at all." Mrs. Gallenger replied, beckoning with her hands.

Sydney nodded and hurried after Dion's mother with Dion right on her heels.


"Okay sweetie, beat the egg whites only. Do you know how to separate the egg yolks from the egg whites?" Mrs. Gallenger asked Sydney.

Sydney shook her head, holding the fragile egg in her hands.

"Here mom, I'll show her, you keep going with the creaming the butter and sugar. We'll bring the egg yolk by in a moment." Dion interrupted.

Mrs. Gallenger smiled knowingly and nodded, retreating to Dion's previous post.

"Alright Syd the kid, have you ever cracked the egg?"

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