Me or Him

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It is already almost then end of July. It's already July 28. I never told BVB that my birthday is in 2 days. Pretty much I hate my birthday. I hate that I am growing older each year. I want to be able to live forever. To be able to see civilization start to love rock. It's starting to expand anyways. Only Raven knows about my birthday. I've known her since 7th grade. I walked out of Andy's bunk, wriggling out of his grip. I went  to the fridge and took out some fruit. I sat down and started to eat. I went on Twitter, and saw I had 7 notifications. I looked at it and I saw it was a bunch of post from Andy. Most of them were pictures, some were just regular post.

AndyBVB- Eating with my girlfriend, god I love her so much @SkyKnight5

AndyBVB- I wonder what would happen if I brought a pie, and smashed it in Sky's face while she was performing. I'll do it on the last concert. @SkyKnight5

AndyBVB- I wonder what life would be like without rock music. What do you think? @SkyKnight5

AndyBVB- I just saw a bouncy castle. But this time it is ours. Sky is having the time of her life in there. @SkyKnight5

AndyBVB- Take a girl, dye her hair black, cut it so it looks completely badass, add a lip and nose ring, and a tattoo of a music note on her ankle, and you get a cool looking girl. But can never make a clone of her. Though two Sky's...that would be fun. @SkyKnight5

I laughed. He would like a clone of me.

AndyBVB- this girl can seriosuly shred!! This is why I love her..also because she makes good ass pancakes. @SkyKnight5

AndyBVB- @SkyKnight5 You are so beautiful. I love you so much. More than I could ever scream. Because with you, love is always fair.

I smiled at the last one, and saw the picture of Andy and I on his bed. I was still wearing the make-up and had the stitch thing I stol from Andy on, and he was kissing me on my cheek, while I made a kiss face at the camera. I heard Raven come from the bunks. "Have you ever slept in a bunk with Ashley?" She asked me. "what? No?!?" I said. "Well you missed out girlie. It's so much fun." She said. "I bet." I said, rolling my eyes. "So how are you and Andy doing?" She asked me. I smiled.

"Perfect." I said. "Well thats good. I'm glad you don't have any problems with the hate comments you and him get." She said. "Honestly I couldn't give two flying pig shits. I mean, yeah sometimes it can hurt a little. I'm not gonna lie. But I just know that the only reason why I get those comments is because those people wish they were me. It's just pure envy." I said. Raven nodded. "How are you so confident?" She asked. I laughed. "I'm not confident." I said, eating my last peice of fruit and walking over to the trash can to throw it away.

Raven sat on the table. "Yes you are. You have been since the 7th grade." She said. I laughed again, and sat at the booth next to the table. "Please. I am emotional unstable." I said. Raven's eyes widened. "What the hell are you talking about?" She yelled. "You are so confident and badass! I see you as an inspiration girlie!" She said. "Why do you always call me "Girlie"?" I asked her. She smiled. "Because you are that special." She said. I smiled. "I swear I love you girl." I said, giving her a hug. I heard Ashley come out and he kissed Raven on the cheek and sat on the booth in front of me. "Good morning." I said.

He smiled and took out his phone. He raised it in the air, then put it back down. He put it face down and smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow as my phone beeped. I went on Twitter and saw a picture of me. 

AshleyPurdy- This girl is seriously crazy. I walked in on Andy and her havin sex...definitely scarred me for life. @SkyKnight5

I threw a napkin at him. "Fuck you." I said laughing. Jake, CC, and Jinxx came out, rubbing their eyes. "You guys seriously don't know how to shut the fuck up." Jake said, sitting down. I laughed. Andy soon came out also, and sat next to me. He kissed me on my cheek and I smiled. "So today we are going to be metting up with Asking Alexandria. They are gonna watch us perform and stuff." CC said. I smiled. I have to say that they are pretty cool dudes. I'm only saying that cause none of them tried hitting on me. Once they cross that line, a huge ass load of hate will be directed towards them. I already told Andy this and he knew.

I looked at my phone, which was vibrating. I looked at the caller ID. Anonomous. Great. I walked away from the guys so I could talk with them. I answered it. "Hello?" I said. "Hi sexy." I froze. "What the fuck is wrong with you mom?" I said. "This isn't your mom." The person said. I felt like my breathing was getting heavy and weak. "Uncle?" I said quietly. " you do know who this is. Good." He said. I shuddered. "What do you want?" I said.

"I just wanted to call to say that I heard about you and your boyfriend." He said. "Mom." I said, realizing that I told her all about Andy. "Yep. And also I know about your stupid ass band Rebel 5. So you guys are gonna be spending your last three days on tour in Texas. I'mma be at all three of them." He said. "Stay the fuck away from me." I said. "Oh I'm not coming for you. I am not gonna hurt you. I love you too much. I'm coming for your boyfriend and his band." He said. I felt like I was gonna pass out. "You stay the fuck away from them!" I yelled. "Oh, now you just make me want to kill them more." He said. "Why do you want to hurt him?" I said sternly. "Because if I can't have you no one can." He said. He sounded like a evil maniac. "You sick bastard." I said.

He laughed. "I know I know. But, there is something you can do to keep your boyfriend and his bandmates alive." He said evily. I felt a lump in my throat. "What?" I asked. "You have two choices. You can meet me in the back of the building you're performing at before your performance, or two, you can meet me at the beach tomorrow." He said. "I can't believe you are doing this." I said.

"Well, It is your choice. And from what I read in al the magazines, Andy hates to leave you alone by yourself for a long time, so I doubt he won't go with you to the back of the building. So you might as well ditch your bus tomorrow morning and head to the beach. You know which beach I'm talking about right? The beach I took you when you were younger? The beach I took you to after your aunt's funeral?" He said. I felt like I couldn't talk. "Ok fine. I will meet you there." I said. "Good." He said, then he hung up.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I went back into area where the boys were and sat next to Andy. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I'm fine." I said, putting on a fake smile, which was something I've practice for years. He smiled and kissed me. I grabbed his face and kissed him hard. I wasn't going to see him ever again so I wanted to make it special. "Damn guys, why don't you guys just go have sex already!" CC said. I frowned. 

*After the show*

I went to the bus with the guys. I looked around for my uncle, since he said he was coming to the show, but he wasn't there. He was probably setting up some sick twisted way to torture me in his basement. Asking Alexandria said goodbye and left, so it was just BVB and Rebel 5 in the bus. Everyone was tired, so they went to bed. Andy was just about to go when I grabbed his arm. He turned around and I kissed him passionatley. He pulled away. "What was that for?" He asked.

I didn't say anything. I grabbed his hand and took him to the back of the bus, where there was a seperate room with a larger bunk. I closed the door and locked it, and went back over to Andy. I got close to him. I wanted to do this one last time before I die. He pulled away. "What are you doing this for?" He asked. I looked down. I needed him to do this, but I couldn't tell him the truth. "Because I love you. And I need you." I said.

He raised his eyebrow. "I want you." I said. I got cloer to him and bit my lip. I kissed him, and we started to walk towards the bed, not breaking the kiss. He sat on the bed and I took off my shirt and got on top of him as he backed up onto the bed. He layed down, but I was on my hands and knees. I took off his shirt and kept kissing him, tangling my fingers in his hair. I took off my bra and my pants. He sat up and I was on my knees. I kissed him as he held my thighs. He then got on top of me and took off his pants. He kissed me again then stopped and looked me in the eyes. "I love you." He said. "I love you too. So much." I said strongly.

I needed to say that because it was the truth. I loved him to much. He took off our underwear and (This is when shit get sexual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) entered me. I moaned and shook. I kissed him as he did it, and we kept kissing. He stopped kissing me and put his head on my shoulder. I grabbed his hair and bit my lip. Soon he came and he got off of me. (FINALLY IT'S OVER I FELT GROSSED OUT WRITING THAT!!!!) I layed my head on his chest. Soon he fell asleep. I looked at him and kissed his cheekbone. I felt tears come to my eyes and I started to cry silently. I didn't want to leave him, but it was either me, or him.

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