Girl Meets Big Announcement

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My father, Shawn, and I were on our way to Christmas with the Matthews.  I was really excited to see Riley and Maya.  We hadn't seen each other in a long time and I really missed them.  

I go to a school at Aviation High School at Long Island New York.  I'm sixteen years old.  I play volleyball in the fall, indoor soccer in the winter and in the spring I play softball.  I'm a right front for volleyball, I'm a mid fielder for soccer and I'm pitcher for softball.  

When we got to the Matthews Shawn opened the door and threw his arms open. "CORY!"

Cory stood up and threw his arms open like Dad's. "SHAWN!" They ran to each other and hugged. 

Riley threw her arms open. "KILEY!"

"RILEY!" I threw my arms open and we hugged.

"DAUGHTER NUMBER TWO!" Cory shouted to me.

"DADDY NUMBER TWO!" I shouted back and we hugged.

"UNCLE SHAWN!" Riley screamed.

"RILEY!" Shawn screamed and they hugged

"MAYA!" Maya Hart screamed coming through the doorway.

"MAYA!" I screamed and attacked her with a hug.

"KILEY!" She hugged me back.

"RILEY!" She screamed and we all had a big group hug.

"And this is what I like to call Family." Topanga said smiling at us.

When we all pulled apart, I sat down on the ground while everyone else took there respective spots either on the chairs or the two couches.

"Wow.  This is one big happy family, isn't it.  Seem like just yesterday we had little ones running around the house, doesn't it Amy?" Grandpa asked Grandma just as Josh came in.

"Yeah, just me right Dad?" Josh asked coming into the house behind his father and mother.

"Oh and then there's you." He deadpanned.  Everyone laughed at them.

"My brother!" Cory said to Josh.

"My brother!" They hugged before they all sat down.  Josh sat down next to me and Auggie, who was in my lap.

"Hi Uncle Josh."

"Hi Auggie. Hey, Kiley." He said smiling at me.

"Hi Josh." I said smiling back at him.

"Okay, guys, I have a big announcement." My dad said standing up glancing at me nervously before speaking again. "Kiley and I are moving to New York."

"What?" I said loudly sitting up straight only to have Auggie fall of my lap.

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