Pranking the Boy Next Door Chapter 11

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Authors note: Hey guys! Vote and comment! Also check out cjd1124's stories and SStark's stories. Happy reading!


Chapter 11:

I didn't sleep at all. The only thing I did was stare at my ceiling for eight hours. I felt numb. I didn't feel any emotion. I guess that’s a good thing though, right? I didn't feel the pain. I was like a zombie.

I finally decided to get up once the sunlight pored through my windows. The light made my room look bright and happy. It was absolutely sickening.

I walked into the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. There was already a huge bruise on my right cheekbone where the man hit me last night. There were also scraped on my elbow where they hit the building.

Hmm that’s funny, I didn't even feel them. I washed up in the bathroom, turning the water cold. Soon the water turned red from the water washing off all the dried blood from my scrapes.

I finished after putting shampoo and conditioning in my hair and headed to get dressed. I just decided to put on some shorts and a blue V-neck shirt before putting my hair into a high ponytail and heading downstairs.

"Vi! Oh honey are you alright?" My aunt asked me worriedly.

"Perfectly fine auntie." I replied with no emotion.

She looked at me with concern before saying, "I think you should go to the hospital. You could have been hurt even more badly than you are now."

"It's just a few scraped and a bruise auntie. Nothing to worry about." I say again, with no emotion.

I poured myself some cereal and milk before sitting down and eating. The whole time my aunt was rambling about how sorry she was for what happened and how the man confessed what he did and is now being put in jail.

I just tuned her out after a while and continued to eat my breakfast.

"Well auntie I'll go take Cody on a walk now." I announce, interrupting whatever she was talking about. She nods but still looked at me with concern. 

I grab a leash and walk toward Cody's cage where he lay. When he spots me his tail wags so hard that his whole body wiggles. It was quite the sight and actually brought a tiny bit of happiness to me, but the feeling disappeared just as fast as it came.

We walk out of the house and head out to the beach. As we walked I asked myself - Why do I feel nothing? Am I in shock? Do I even care anymore? What if the man comes back? What if the police change their mind and set him free instead of locking him away like my aunt said? Do people know what happened to me?

I was too caught up in my thoughts to hear my name being called multiple times. I was brought out of my thoughts by a strong hand on my shoulder which immediately cause me to shrink down in fear. He's back! 

When I turned around though, I did not see the kidnapper, but Luke.

"Vi! I've been calling your name but you weren't paying attention. Are you alright? I mean what happened last night probably got you scared." He says.

"I'm alright Luke. Just a few minor injuries that’s all. And how have things been going with you and your girlfriend?" 

He was caught off guard by my emotionless answer and he replied, "They are good, thanks for getting us back together."

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