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Prompt: Hanna is paralyzed after she gets hit by -A at Camp Mona {season 1} 


I do not own Pretty Little Liars


"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said, 'I'll never let you go'"

It was like she had been on fire.

She was on fire and she couldn't move.

Nothing felt okay.

She was frozen.

She was stuck.

She was paralyzed.

Hanna Marin had been hit. Hit by her anonymous stalker who claimed "she knew too much." She had been hit so hard she was paralyzed. Everything had been paralyzed, from head to toe. They were starting to think it would've been better if she had died.

No one knew what she was feeling. All she could communicate with were random twitches that gave her false hope. She knew one day even the twitching would stop.

No one knew what to do. Not her divorced parents, who for the first time in a while were able to sit in a room together and not argue. Not her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Sean Ackard, who seemed to be an optimist yet hadn't cracked a smile since the accident.

Not even her best friends.


"Hope breeds eternal misery."

Spencer Hastings, the girl who was supposed to have every answer to every imaginable question or situation in the whole world hadn't spoken in days. She didn't know what to say. She couldn't accept the fact that Hanna had been paralyzed, permanently, by -A. She had barely gone to school, only once or twice to pick up homework that ended up in a big stack on her desk. She finally lost all hope.


"Am I just destroying everything I touch?"

Aria Montgomery, the creative mind of the group who loved to smile hadn't left her room in days. Not even to visit Hanna. It was too much to see her like that. She sat on her creaky old bed in her creaky old house with an ancient camera and mindlessly flipped through digital memories of their clique. When they were happy, when Ali was alive, when there was no -A, when Hanna was okay. She felt it was her fault, she felt everything was her fault.


"Some people dream of making it out."

Emily Fields, the girl who never left your side. No matter what hell you put her through, Emily would always be there for you. Even if she had to skip a week of swimming, 1 month, a year even, she would be there. Until now. The pool had become a part of her now. She was either at the gym exercising or in the pool splashing away at the water until tears dripped down her tan face and into the collection of chlorine water. Emily dreamt of the days when their biggest troubles were what they wanted to be when they grew up. Now people were dying, they were leaving. And she couldn't get out.


"You have to be careful these days, it's like you can't trust anyone."

And Mona. Mona Vanderwaal hadn't ever felt so bad. She felt bad because it was her fault. No, not because of survivor's guilt, not because the accident had happened at her party. No, because she did it. She was -A. She hit her best friend with a car. It was just in the moment, she wasn't thinking, her mind had been clouded with depressed thoughts of suicide and ending it all, and next thing she knew she was being crammed into a tiny hospital waiting-room chair.


But for once. They all got out of their slums. And put on their brave faces... for Hanna. They watched as she gave them a distorted smile with her gleaming white teeth, her skin had gone past porcelain and straight to dead-pale. Her big blue eyes that had once been filled with youth, dreams, hope, had been drained. Everything about her already reeked death. Now they were just officiating it.

No one could look as they took Hanna Marin off of life support.

They looked back just in time to see her eyes flutter a few times before falling lifelessly shut.

Ashley Marin looked away, her red hair was piled messily in a ponytail and the bags under her eyes were now soaked with salty tears.

Tom Marin looked at his daughter and grabbed her hand one last time. Maybe if he hadn't had left them, none of this would've happened, maybe she would be okay, his head swarmed with thoughts, but it was too late now.

Her friends left. They went their separate ways.

Aria went back to Iceland with her Mom and Mike, they never came back.

Spencer had shut out all human interaction and barely spoke to anyone, school was the only place she left home to go to.

Emily quit school and travels around the world with her philanthropy group, building homes, helping the poor, helping the sick. The sick like Hanna.

And Mona?

She's dead.

She overdosed.

She attempted to hang herself.

Nothing worked.

And one day she was gone.

She had cut herself, or at least that's what people said.

"Just close your eyes. You'll be alright. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound..."

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