Among the Stars

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Prompt: Hanna and Toby find out they're siblings.

I do not own Pretty Little Liars


Hanna Marin was a blonde bombshell. No doubt irresistible and every guy, under the age of 25, in Rosewood admired her wholeheartedly, despite her well-known relationship with Caleb Rivers. Except Toby Cavanaugh. He never saw it. Or felt it perhaps was a better term. Even before he started dating Spencer Hastings. Even before he had the slightest interest in Emily Fields, before she came out of course. Even before Jenna Cavanaugh become his wicked stepsister.

Never. It always felt strange. When he thought she looked pretty. Even when him and his girlfriend, Spencer, weren't dating. It was weird to think of Hanna that way. It just didn't feel right. Well they found out why soon.

"There has to be something in here. Something. Just one freaking clue!" Hanna began to feel the frustration seep into her veins.

"Just keep looking and at least try to control your volume. You're about as quiet as a monster truck rally," Aria Montgomery whispered before rummaging through the debris of papers in Mrs. Marin's office, "Did you find anything, Spencer?"

The Hastings offspring was hunched over the silver MacBook on the spotless glass desk with her gloved hands flying over the keyboards, occasionally wiggling the mouse to a different location on the screen but ultimately finding nothing, "If I found something. I would've told you." She shot daggers at Aria before returning to her task.

"Guys stop fighting, it's not going to help," Emily Fields crinkled her forehead and gave her signature wide-eyed, mother-like look causing everyone to let out sighs and roll their eyes.

You're probably wondering why these four teenage girls are rummaging through Ashley's stuff for clues, something to do with -A perhaps? I mean a parent could never have anything to do with the vicious, anonymous attacker right? Well no one was quite sure anymore.

Earlier that morning Hanna had gotten a text from -A that claimed "Mama Marin has a secret. Figure it out or she ends up in a body bag." This of course had sent Hanna into a panicked frenzy, signaling her friends for an emergency search party. And now they were here. Finding nothing.

"What the hell is this," the blonde mutters. Her three best friends crowd around the worn Manila folder she had pulled from the depths of the messy piles of torn envelopes and coffee stained bills. A neat label had printed out from one of those sticker label machines.


The words were printed neatly in bold, black letters and covered in a glossy lamination. "I'm adopted..."

But that wasn't the case. It wasn't that the Marin family had taken in an abandoned child. They had given up one.

A boy. A brown-haired, blue-eyed baby boy wrapped in a soft blanket with little blue airplanes floating around it as a design. The papers all had two familiar signatures neatly written in cursive and many many blocks of fine print.

Spencer was the first to see the name, "Shit."

"Spencer... What's wrong?" Emily said with another one of her signature looks.

"Hanna," the brunette turned to the blonde, "Toby's your brother."

~ 2 weeks later ~

"TOBY!" The barista at the Brew called out his name and set down two steaming cups of black coffee. Toby Cavanaugh, or Marin, grabbed the cups by their heat-protectant slips and walked to the table where Hanna Marin was seated.

They had been meeting a lot lately.

Trying to wrap their heads around it.

Around everything really.

Each conversation started with an awkward few minutes of silence. Then transitioned when one of them mustered up the courage to say something about the unusual circumstance.

"Did you talk to your dad?"

This time it was Hanna the broke the dead air.

"Define talk... It was more like me blurting out the shortest gist possible of what I learned and him yelling at me for no reason."

"That sounds... About right."

Short sweet seconds of laughter and then the air went silent again.

"I always thought of you as my sister," Toby explained, "Well ever since Spencer and I started dating. I felt that way for the other girls too. But with you it felt more... realistic."


"Ignore me. I'm just blubbering crap out now."

"Trust me. I do that all the time," the ditsy blonde said, "UGH WHY DOES THIS COFFEE TASTE LIKE COFFEE BEANS?!"

Toby just shook his head in laughter.

Crazy how the stars line up. You see, it wasn't a coincidence that the Cavanaughs were adopting when the Marin's gave up Toby. Or that they both lived in Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Or that Toby ended up dating one of Hanna's best friends. Or that -A decided to help this one time. It's all among the stars.

one shots | pll [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora