Do You Like Me?

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Do I like you.... Yes I think I might be in love with you (smiles and blushs). You helped me when every one turned their back on me and you put up with me being crazy and following bees into a garden...naked. Your the most beautiful demon I ever met that because you changed me and made me see the world differently and for that and everything else you did I am forever grateful. Words can't describes your beauty and your kind, gentle loving heart. Though ever one see you as some tough, mean demon I saw how you truely were. I am sorry we didn't get to move furniture around or order pizza together but I glad I did get the time I got. I love you Meg and will always keep you in my heart and I miss you terribly.

P.s (covers face and blushes) I hoped I didn't scare you off MegMasters- <3

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