Happy Birthday

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Happy Birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world PossiblyPaige (picks up and swings you around kissing your nose) I love you so much and will give you anything you need. You so beautiful, kind, sweet and funny and the most beautiful angel I have ever encountered and thank you for putting up with me though I already given you my present my other present is my heart because I love you so much <3

Dean: Happy Birthday Paige I also have a great liking for you and so does Cas (wink wink) so please don't break his heart :) (hands you a shotgun as your present)

Sam: Happy Birthday Pagie (engulfs you in a big hug) You so awesome and sweet also thank for taking care of Cas as he recovers :) (hands you a small silver knife)

Crowley: Happy Birthday Darling I hope the it's worst day of your life and that meant as compliment sweetie

Bobby: Happy Birthday ya idjit hope you have a good one (smiles and hugs you)

Charlie: Happy Birthday your awesome sauce (hug you and kisses your cheek)

Kevin: Happy Birthday Pagie (smiles and hugs you)


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