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A/n: I dont own the picture

While everyone was sleep Jane goes in Sally room. She picks up Sally as she wakes up  looking at Jane confused. Jane tells her to be  quiet as she walk outside.

Sally: Where are we going

Jane: You see your parents didn't actually make up they faked it just for you. So your mom wouldn't be mad that me and your father are dating.

Sally: Father didn't tell me that you guys was dating.

Jane: It our little secret ok

Sally: ok

Jane stops at the lake as she put Sally down hugging her.

Meanwhile at the mansion you wake up having a weird feeling as you walk to Sally room not seeing her. You run back in your room waking up Lj as he turn away so you shove him on the floor. He wakes up looking at you as you tell him Sally gone. Lj runs out of the room then comes back telling you to come on. You and Lj runs downstairs as Jeff walks up. He ask what is with all the running. Lj tells him what happened as he ask can he help.

Lj: Ok Y/n stay here just incase she comes back me and jeff go out in the woods.

You nod your head as Lj and Jeff leaves. You sit down on the couch crying as someone rubs your back. You look back seeing ben as he tells you everything going to be ok.
After 3 hours Lj comes back with Sally in his arms and Jeff right behind him. But your father have Jane.

Slenderman: I had to come back early just because you deicide you was going to kidnapped my daughter child!

Slenderman takes her to a room downstairs locking it. (Kinda like a jail cell but have a door and small window on the door)

Lj: Ok what did she tell you Sally

Sally: I can't say

Lj: Please honey

Sally: She told me that you and mommy are not really together that you are really dating her

Lj: No honey I'm not dating Jane I'm with your mother

Sally: LIES!

She get out of Lj grip as she run off to her room crying.

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