Chapter 22

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Today was the the day.

It is Thursday, May 7, also known as the day I have my surgery.

To say I've been dreading this day for the past 10 months is an understatement.

So much has happened since I went blind. I moved to California. I lost all of my friends. I lost my social status. I went from the top dog to the underdog.

But also in this time, I met the girl of dreams. She taught me how to "see" life without actually having to see it. She taught me to love. Becoming blind was a blessing in disguise.

Without it, I wouldn't moved to this school and been the same egotistical jerk I was before, using a new girl every week. I don't think I ever would have noticed Tyler.

She is something else. She taught me to be happy. Some day, I will make her my wife. Whether this surgery goes wrong and I never see again, or it goes right.

I'm very anxious. Not only will I be in a lot of pain, but am I ready to see my new life?
I wonder if things will look different.

I also want to see what Tyler Crow looks like. I hope I won't result to my old ways if she isn't "pretty".

But deep down in my heart, I know her soul is more beautiful then anything I could ever see.


Today is the day.

It is the day Asher has his surgery.

And I feel so selfish because I'm mostly worried about the doctors taking off the bandages tomorrow and Asher seeing how I look. That is if the surgery is a success.

I feel so entirely awful for not being more worried about him and his health. What is wrong with me?

I'm just scared I will lose the man I love.
The last months have been life changing. Asher taught me how to be happy.

My dad had abused me my whole life, but before the incident with the beer bottle I was used to it.

At school I wasn't a loser. I was a normal girl with normal friends. But then I came to school with the scar and everyone thought I was a freak so my friends abandoned me.

The names just got worse and worse and I practically gave up on life. It wasn't worth living.

Then Asher comes to school and I start feeling my normal self again. Our stupid little fights and my sarcastic remarks started coming back.

Then he kissed me and my life was lit up again.

It became worth waking up in the morning to see him at office.

Not only did I become more happy, but the fire returned to my mother's eyes. They were always so lifeless but when I come home everyday to tell her about my day, she laughs again.

Everything has become so wonderful because Asher Smith.

I just hope the surgery doesn't change anything.


"So the surgery will take all day. It will be time consuming since we are dealing with something so crucial as your spine," the doctor says.

"He can't become paralyzed or anything like that, can he?" my mother asks.

Currently we are at the hospital. I'm sitting on the bed in the clothes the doctors gave me. My parents are standing next to me as my doctor is going over the procedure of the surgery.

"No, that is highly unlikely but it doesn't mean we won't take precaution."

"Okay, goodbye honey," my mom says, crying I can hear, as she hugs me.

"Mom, I'm not going to die or anything like that. The worst that could happen is my sight not being returned," I assure her as I hug my dad.

"We love you, son."

"I love you both, too."

"Well, are we ready? Let's get this show on the road," the doctor claps.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I murmur.

By the next time I'm in this hospital room, hopefully I will be able to see it.

A/N: Hello my lovely readers. Yes, it is the day of surgery. What are your predictions? Do you think it will go bad or good? Vote and comment!
Stay rad & read lots !
kl. (I love you guys❤️)

Teaching the Blind Boy to Love AgainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz