Chapter 4

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Having a butler in the house had become a very popular thing in Daccron once people heard that the Paynes have one. Even if they themselves were in no need of a butler or could barely afford having a house keeper, they would still hire one just to be upper class much like the Paynes.

Of course the Styles were no less than the Paynes. Dec and Anne Styles being the richest and most powerful couple in Graffield, they immediately called the Sheikh to send them a couple of potential butlers they could hire.

It wasn't like they needed the extra help, having more than four house maids around the house was more than enough but once Anne styles had returned from her gossip night with the finest ladies in Daccron held in Karen Payne's house, she spotted a certain olive skinned boy helping poor old Lydia. He was very polite and just added something to the night filled with gossip. She had her mind set on getting one just like him.

Even though Karen herself disliked the presence of that slightly tanned skinned boy around the house and was forced to accept him because of her husband, she showed nothing but pride in being the only one having a butler in the whole city. Speaking of nothing but his best features of course. How he doesn't just do what a normal help does which is basically cleaning, cooking and looking after young Madison, he also does a keen job of doing the gardening, moving heavy object and helping in decorating for the party. All that done with nothing but politeness.

The women were all in awe of such a helping hand that they went home to their husbands with one thing in mind. They needed a butler just like the Payne's.

Fahd was one of many boys send by the sheikh to apply for a butler job for the snobby rich white people. Not just any snobby rich people, he was send to the snobbiest and richest of them all, the Styles.

Anne much like every single woman in Dacron expected their butler applicants to be much like Zayn, not only in appearance but in manners as well. And although Fahd was one of the few people who were close to Zayn, they were nothing alike.

Apart from their tanned skin and religious believes, Fahd was the furthest thing from Zayn. He could never hold a comment inside if he had one, and he always had one. He didn't accept being treated poorly and if you walk all over him, be sure you would be meeting a few of his famous knock-outs.

"Woah, they live here by themselves?" Fahd's mouth dropped once Zayn had led him to where the Styles lived which was only a couple of houses away from the Paynes.

"Yeah." Zayn replied letting his friend take everything in. For people who have to be cramped up in a box-like one level and two bedroom house, seeing such enormous mansions was like being in heaven.

"Ya Allah." Fahd exclaimed just admiring the view of those houses. The wide space between the houses is enough to cramp up at least two of the houses back at Graffield.

Judging from the very spacious mansions in front of him, Fahd already had made an image for the kind of people who lived here. They were the superior people, the ones who held parties every other day just to show off everything they had, half of which they didn't even need. They were the kind of people to wear a new outfit every day and throw the old one away because people had already seen them in it. They were the kind of people to waste money on meaningless things like cars they never drive, clothes they don't even have time to wear and antiques they don't even pay attention to. They were the kind of people who would throw their little kids responsibility on the help and only see them before bed or when they want to discipline them. They were the kind of people who knew nothing about pain or suffering. They were exactly the kind of people Fahd despised.

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