Chapter 28

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Two months had passed since R's rebirth. One week after Julie had been abducted and things were finally starting to look up. Things were, so far, going great for everyone. The zombies that had helped destroy the Boneys were now beginning to heal like the rest of them. Families were being reunited and even a bit of love was flourishing. The medical staff had to work night and day to attend to the mass of extra people in the city. Even Addis, who in a matter of days managed to heal up enough to be able to move around easier and speak smoother, ran around trying to help Nora. It was a wonderful week, with the world healing around them.

That morning, Julie Grigio woke as she usually did, draped over a warm, strong body, her head resting over his chest. People say that when you sleep next to someone, you usually end up on opposite extremes of the bed. That might have been true if R had a larger bed. R still had a twin size bed and refused to trade up if he could... after all, why give them waking up to a beautiful women sprawled over you like he did every women? Ah but they both knew that even if he had a king size bed, they'd always find a way to end up waking up with their arms around each other. Since they met, they had gravitated toward each other... even when one of them tried to put some distance between them.

And so, like every morning, Julie laid still, listening to the chirping birds outside and R's soft breathing. When his arms tightened around her ever so slightly, it either meant he was awake or having a very nice dream. Either way, it meant pleasant things would follow. Julie smiled and craned her neck to look up at him. As soon as she did, his eyes opened and he smiled back at her. "G'morning," Julie said as half-asleep as usual. R simply smiled and moved a little to reach her, kissing her. Julie had in the past tried to shy away from morning kisses, claiming she might have bad breath, but R couldn't care less. He had been dead, had spent years of his unlife in filth, rotten flesh, maggots, and trash... bad breath? No way. To R, Julie never smelled bad, no matter what she did.

"So what's the plan for today? On this beautiful weekend?" Julie smiled.

"Hmm, it's a surprise..." R smiled back.

"A surprise, huh?" Julie moved so she was laying fully on top of him. It was a good thing she weighed so little. She leaned in to kiss him again, enjoying the feel of his hands over her. They spent the morning laying in bed together, holding each other and talking. A little while later, on R's behest, they got up and joined each other in the shower. Once they finished, Julie went to sit by R's mirror in the bedroom while he finished getting ready. Usually it was the other way around, but today R seemed to be a bit more meticulous than usual and she had to wonder why.

A few minutes later, R stepped out wearing a clean and nice looking blue button-up shirt, jeans, and his 'new' sneakers. "Looking sharp there, R," Julie smiled at him. It wasn't exactly a suit and tie, but for them to be able to find such nice clothes in a world that no longer manufactured new clothes, at least for now, and those that didn't have any worn parts, re-sewn parts, or patches... it was a rarity. So yeah, he wasn't dressed like a business man, or in a tux, but he still looked amazing. Though to Julie, he always looked amazing in whatever he wore... or didn't.

Julie wasn't dressed for combat either though. Since R had mentioned wanting to surprise her, she figured she'd dress nice too. Wearing a simple yet very pretty white skirt, sandals, a nice blouse and a blue sweater on top. She looked like she was ready for a stroll in the park. They both looked like that, actually. Funny how things turned out. R straightened his shirt a little. "You like it?" He smiled back.

Julie made a motion for him to turn in a circle. R smirked a little and did so. "Very much..." Julie walked over to him and straightened his collar a moment. They smiled down at each other. Julie could smell a bit of aftershave on him, she reached up with one hand to stroke his clean-shaved jaw tenderly, leaning in to kiss it appreciatively. R raised a brow when she teasingly slipping her other hand under the collar, caressing his neck and shoulder and pulled back to give him a look. R's hands went around her waist and they moved to kiss each other.

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