Chapter 1: I'll See You Again, This Is Not Where It Ends

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I have two links you can just type them in or look in the comments and I will have it in the comments since they cant be copied or clicked!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D look down bellow when you come up to a link :P :D

You have been in many relationships and they never seem to work.  You are in the mall all alone because your friends are busy with there boyfriends. You stare at couples walk by showing public affection and you think to yourself  "get a room" your stomach is doing somersaults. After you are done shopping at your favorite stores and you take a seat at the food court with these items.:

Then. suddenly you have an instinct that someone is staring at you. You then realize that this guy is looking at you.

You quickly glance and glance back but within that second you see that he is really into you. You think to yourself "I really don't need this today." So you begin to get up and leave then you hear a voice.

"Hey you in the beautiful purple outfit and the high heels" you turn around and see that it was him you try to turn around and act like you never saw him and he runs in front of you and stops you. You are wearing this:

Princeton: Why are you trying to ignore me?

YN: *lies* I am trying to get home I have a curfew (your mom doesn't care how long you stay out BTW your 16 he is 17) .                    

Princeton: I can see it in your pretty face that you are lying. Well since you have to get home can I get your number?

YN: Why would you want my number? Maybe I am not single.

Princeton: *lies* I want to make sure you get home safe. Don't try to play me. No one comes to this mall alone unless they are single. Or there friends are to occupied to hang out with them.            

YN: Well I can handle my own,
(You look at him and decide to give him a fake number and leave quickly so he can leave you alone).

YN: and ok I will give you my number. 
You write this on the paper: My Number is 888-555- get a life You give him the number and quickly leave before he can open it.

Princeton: (opens the note and shakes his head) SHIT!!!

His Friends: Whats wrong bro

Princeton: (He hands them the note).

Ray Ray: Who gave this to you

Princeton (silent)

Roc Royal Was it the hottie over there with the nice body?

Princeton: (Shakes his head)

Prodigy: Was it that fine girl you was talking to in the purple because MAN she was fine.

Princeton: Yep. 

When The Fire Doesn't Burn (Mindless Behavior Love Story: Staring You!) *On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now