Chapter 7: Were having a baby!?!?

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      You wake up in Jacob's arms you are feeling mixed emotions. You are sad, scared, and a little excited. What if you, y/n were the mother of Jacob's child. But you were just planning to go to college after being out of High School for 4 years now almost 5.

     You don't have a job and you know from friends getting pregnant in High School the ish is no joke. One minute your talking to the child in your stomach, the next minute your ready to have the child. You know it wont be an easy road but it will be rewarding. 

     Jacob soon begins to wake up. He smiles and looks in your eyes. You are deep in thought but you force a smile back. He then hops out of the bed and goes and takes a shower. While he is in the shower you text Brooklyn.

Text Conversation:

y/n: Brooklyn We need to talk 

Brooklyn: About what? word is out that you and J went on a date BTW why are u textin me @ 6am you know I'm still drowsy. This better be important.

y/n: it is important i want to tell you in person this afternoon ttyl

Brooklyn: alright you and Jacob behave and don't get pregnant

   Your heart sank and you didn't reply. That is what you feared yet hoped for a little bit. You then decide to play Candy Crush level 58 was whipping your behind. 

     Jacob then comes out of the shower. He then ask you " Are you ready to go see how much the baby stuff would cost?"  You pause your game and without replying you got up and did all of your hygiene. You had a bag from the mall that you brought with you and you slipped that outfit on. Jacob is wondering why you are not talking to him but he decides to say nothing. 

       You both go to Target even though your more of a Walmart person. People look at you two. They give you evil looks and many girls, and even a few guys shoot grins at Jacob.

      You guys go to the baby ales. You price a car seat, stroller, box of diapers, 2 baby bottles, pack of pacifiers, crib, a can of formula, and before you can make it to the rattles, walkers, bouncers, and other stuff you burst out in tears, You realize you are not ready for a child. Jacob on the other hand seems so excited he is happily looking at items until he sees you by the shopping cart crying.

       He asks you "Babe, whats wrong?" You really don't know whats wrong you know that your overwhelmed but why is everything feeling so complex. "This is overwhelming and I feel that I am not ready to have a child. 

         "Lets take this one step at a time. First lets add up how much this will cost, and no matter what I will always be here for you" Jacob said reassuringly he the gave you a hug and you both added up the prices. The total was $370. You both looked at each other for a while until Jacob broke the silence.

      "Don't worry, I am going back on tour and I already have more than enough money." Then you decided to stop being silent. "I need to let my mom know." Then Jacob's face obtained a strange look. "We aren't sure if your pregnant yet lets go to the aisle with the pregnancy test."

      You both went to the isle that had the pregnancy test. You felt so discouraged. Which one should you get. Jacob then convinced you to get the most expensive one.

        On the ride to your house you and Jacob changed the subject and continued to get caught up on what you both missed in each others lives.

         You then got home your mom and dad where on the couch. They have worked things out. Pat was only their to try and cause some more drama because she loved to be under your moms skin. You and Jacob went upstairs. He sat in your room and watched TV while you went in the bathroom to use the test.

      Your hands started to shake you were so worried. What if it was positive? Jacob is always on the road and you would basically be a single parent. You then start to cry adn you just put the test on the counter. Jacob hears you sobbing and he knocks on the bathroom door.

      "Y/n are you OK, I know its hard but remember I will be with you no matter what so there is absolutely no reason why your worrying." You then start to lighten up. This whole time you are worrying when you have all you will need to make it through a pregnancy God and the handsome man outside your bathroom door. "Jacob could you come in hear, I want you to see the results with me." You ask him and he slowly opens the door. You proceed to doing the pregnancy test. It then beeps. The results are positive. Jacob was expecting you to cry his heart stopped. But then out of nowhere you take his face into your hands and you give him a kiss. You then tell him "I love you" and he smiles and replies with "I love you more."

      Jacob leaves your house. You then remember that you wanted to tell Brooklyn. You call her and tell her to come over. She is at your house within 15 minutes

     "Hey girl" Brooklyn says in her overly ghetto tone as she comes onto your room. "I have some news to tell you...*gco*" "You Pregnant!" She says with sarcasm. "Wait, how did you know?" You question. She gives you a confused face. "How did I know? I was just joking.So, are you serious?" "No I'm just excited to say I'm pregnant, what the hell do you think, and before you ask Jacob is the father." She shakes her head. Not in the jokey way but in the disappointed way.

     "I just saw Jacob with another girl in his care coming from this way. He picked her up at the front of club 69. She had on tight shorts a crop top and he even opened her door. With me being nosy I was at a red light and then he gave her a big ol' kiss. The light turned green and people was honking at me so I had to go before I got pissed and shot their tires up."

      You laughed at the last part she said. But you were frustrated at the rest of her accusations. "Jacob wouldn't do that to me. Brooklyn I know your just saying that cause you love when I'm heated."

       "Y/n/n (your nickname) I cross my heart and I hope to die if I was lying to you" 

       " You know what Brooklyn I think it's time for you to go. You just want to be better than me. You want him but I have him and now you just cant stand the fact that he will be the father of my first child. You wish you had him. But tough titties for you because he is all mine."

      "Y/n I know you are probably mad about what I told you but I am your best friend and I wouldn't just tell you this to tell you. But if you want me gone I understand. I am trying to be a good friend by having your back. When your ready to talk you got my number."

       With that being said Brooklyn left. You felt guilty. You knew in your heart Jacob would never do that but also in your heart you knew that Brooklyn was a true friend. You decided to drop her a text so you and her were on leveled grounds and the friendship wouldn't be gone in the wind.

       Your message said, Brooklyn I'm sorry for the way I just acted, I just don't think Jacob would do that to me but I know you wouldn't lie. I assume you saw someone that looked like him. I still love you girl. I guess we will talk later. I cant stay mad at you. She got your message and replied with a simple ok and I love you 2 but I am mad at you. 

I know its about time I updated. I was LAZY. Also Princeton is still in the story he just wont be here for a few chapters. I will do Chapter 8 tonight. I also have 2 new stories on the way I will publish 1 when I get to Chapter 10 on the story and the other when I finish this story.

143 all!!!!! ;) :)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2013 ⏰

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