Chapter 4: Care For You

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Derpy's new daddy walked down to his home not far from the orphanage. It was very big. Derpy had never seen a building that big in her life! The home was two stories tall. He walked toward the front door as he said "This is your new home Derpy!" He took a key from under the mat and unlocked the door. He walked in and closed the door. Derpy was a bit exited to explore this big building. Derpy was a bit scared to be in a new place. She looked around and saw many cool and strange gadgets. She was a bit frightened by this new place.

Her new daddy took her to a smaller room with many toys. Derpy looked around and saw stuffed animals, a crib, and A-B-C blocks. Derpy's dad placed her on the soft carpet of the room and said "This is your new room Derpy!" Derpy looked at her dad and crawled around to explore. She picked up a small stuffed turtle and began to suck on his leg. Her father quickly ran to her and pulled the toy out of her mouth. "We don't eat the turtle we play with it!" he said as he tried to play with her. She giggled and grabbed the turtle and snuggled with it. "I have been waiting to finally adopt a daughter!" said her father in happiness.

Derpy looked at him confused, then wiped her eyes and yawned. Her dad looked down and saw Derpy was sleepy "It is time we get you to bed!" said her dad as he picked her up and carried her to her new crib. He laid her down and grabbed a blanket and placed it over her. Then he picked up the turtle she was sucking on earlier and placed it next to her. Derpy quickly grabbed the turtle then turned over and fell asleep. The pony smiled and quietly said as he walked out the door "Goodnight my little Derpy Hooves!" He turned off the light and shut the door.

He walked out happy he finally got to share this big home with. He walked down the hall. He looked at a picture that was hanging on the wall. He placed his hoof on it with sadness but also with joy. The picture was of him and some other pony with a beach blonde mane and white fur. Derpy's father began to shed tears then he said to himself "No! This is supposed to be a time of happiness not strife!" He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and looked back upon the picture. Both ponies seemed very happy in the picture. Before he was about to say something he heard Derpy crying,

He quickly ran to Derpy's room and turned on the light. Derpy was crying. He quickly picked her up and began to rock her side to side. "Shhhh! It's okay my little Derpy!" said her father soothingly. Derpy began to calm down and began to quiet down. She soon stopped crying and fell asleep in his hooves. He looked down at the sleeping filly and said quietly "Don't worry! I will take good care of you, just like mother would! If she was here."

Daddy Hooves : A Story Of Derpy Hooves' PastWhere stories live. Discover now