Oh Shit...

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I stare at him in horror. What's gonna happen now? Should I run? Should I stand my ground?

"You look like you've seen a ghost Mia. You didn't think I'd find out huh?" He said.

"To be honest, no, i thought covering it would keep me safe" I said.

"Well, im more smart then the girls give me credit for, like i know my wife goes on a shopping spree everyday and hides the bags in the guest room closet, or that my daughters boyfriend spends the night then she sneaks him out in the morning before I wake up" He said

" I need to call authorities and let them know your here, you've broken one of our societies main rules, which is districts are never to mingle,  you will be going away for a very long time Ms.Mia." said Mr.Woods.

"Please, Cant you let me go? I didn't hurt anyone"I said.

"I'm sorry i cant do that, you broke one of the most important rules of our cities. I'm sorry Mia"

What the hell am i gonna do? i cant spend the rest of my life in prison, should i try running? no theyd find me cuz theres no way getting back to my district. Oh lord what am i gonna do?

"Nykky, Honey, can you come here for a second?"

"Yes dad?"

"Did you know your new little friend isnt from our district?"
"Yes daddy" she said lowering her head in shame.

"why did u try to keep it a secret from me?"

"Because i knew you wouldnt approve! you sent my brother away real quick just because of a stupid tattoo!"

"Its not my rules, governor Landon makes all the rules not me!"

"STOP YELLING!" I Scream. "This is my mistake,not yours, all u have to do is call them and ship me away, not start an argument between you two"

" I'm sorry Mia, this is not your fault, ive been mad at them for this ever since i visited Nykola,"

" You did what!"

" I Visited Nykola, It was 2 months ago when the barriers were down, I wanted to meet my other half"

"I deal with that later, right now we have to figure out what to do about Mia"

"DO we really have to do anything? I mean she did do a good job covering her tattoo, cant we just do that again? Not everyone is as smart as u dad"

"I Work for him, do you know what will happen if he finds out that im harboring a fugitive?"

" Not if he dont know"

"I'll think about it, take her to your room and ill come get you when ive figured out what to do, just remember Mia, if u try to run, i will find you"


Societys LockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora