This Isn't Happening....

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I look at Nykole's mom in horror. Was she really going to let me get killed? What kinda mother was she

" No mom! We cant let her get killed. She's my friend! " said Nykole

" Nykole, your dad works for Landon Davidson, the people who help keep us divided, they do it for a reason! "

" Yeah and what is that reason? What is the reason you let Nykolas be taken from us? For a fucking tattoo that we cant even control? What if I was born with his tattoo when I was born? Would you and dad let them take me instead? "

" Honey, you know we dont make the rules, we just have to abide by the laws they set for us-"

" But why? Why are they so dead set on keeping everyone away from us? Its not like if we have a different tattoo then someone else we are gonna grow up to be axe murders" I hate the fact that my twin brother, my only connection in my life was taken away from me before he even opened his eyes" yelled Nykole

" I know baby, I hated it too but as I said before, We have to listen to the rules that they make for us. If your father found out we were harboring someone from another district he'll be furious at both of us" said Mrs.Woods

" What if he didn't know? " said Hannah

"How would we do that? " I asked

"Leave it to me, Mrs. Woods Hold off on calling Governor Landon, Mia you come with me" said Hannah

I followed slowly behind her not knowing what I was in store for.


When we got upstairs I see Hannah pull a giant make-up case from under the bed. She takes out the concealer and wipes it over my tattoo till you can't see it anymore.

"What were we going to do now? " I ask

"Well we are going to make you a tattoo from our district so when Nykoles dad comes home he won't question you" said Hannah

"You know, for someone that wanted to rat me out in the first place, you sure are being nice now"

"Yeah I know. That's because I had a sibling taken from me too. Her name was Alyssa, i never even got to see her before they took her" said Hannah.

"Why do they keep us like this? whats the point of it all?"I said

" I don't know, maybe you could ask her dad when he comes home, he loves talking about work so maybe he'll tell you if you ask" said Hannah


After she drew on a new tattoo for this district where my old one was we go back down stairs and show nykoles mom

" It looks wonderful, hopefully it will fool your dad, cuz if not we'll all be in trouble"said Mrs.Woods

"Honeys im home!" said Mr.Woods

"Hey dad"said Nykole.

"Welcome Home Honey, How was work?"said Mrs.Woods

"Horrible, we had 15 violations today, i dont know how they keep getting past the barriers, it makes no sense"said Mr.Woods

"I don't know, i saw someone today go past the barrier cuz it was left open by one of the guards"I said

" And who might you be?"said Mr.Woods

" I'm Mia, Nykoles friend"

"Well nice to meet you Ms.Mia, Where did you see someone get past the barrier?"

"over by the mall before i met up with Nykole, they took someone back to the other district and i saw someone slip through,the guards forgot to close the barrier back."

"Well thank you for that information Mia, I'm gonna go into my study till dinner"

"Wait! Mr. Woods i had a question for you if thats ok?"

"Of course,"

"Why do they keep us all divided like they do? Just because of the tattoos we're born with?"

"Thats a very good question Mia, Come with me and I'll show you something"

We go into his study and he takes out a book and hands it to me.

"All the answers your looking for can be found in this book, I know your not from this district Mia, What I dont know is what we're gonna do" he says wiping off the make up and new tattoo Hannah had put



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