Chapter 4

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I'm just imagining it. Why would Riker wink at me. I'm just an eighteen year old with no life. However who cares. RIKER JUST WINKED AT ME. Or maybe he had something in his eye. Whatever its all good in my book! The Lynch's invited us to stay the night in the bus and they would drop us off at my house later the next day. This is the greatest.

" Where will we sleep?" Julia curiously asked? " Well I'm sure some of us won't mind sharing right?" Rydel chimed in. WAIT.....using a bed.........used by a Lynch? I guess dreams do come true...... " I'm up for giving up my bunk I'm a bed hog." Rocky said glancing at Julia..... Oh Julia and Rocky. Cute " Me too," No way. He didn't. I turned to see Riker looking directly at me. All I could think was why me.... but I'm not going to question it.

It was around midnight when we finally got in bed. I felt really bad for taking Riker's bunk but it smelt really good. Well I should probably stop inhaling the sheets and actually sleep.

I was the last one up, like usual and we all got ready and went out to breakfast. Julia said she had some sort of announcement. " I would like to tell you all that I have enrolled to college on-line so we can start the tour whenever!' Julia announced proudly. Everyone cheered. I am super happy but I felt as if someone were watching me. Oh well time to head home and start planning with Julia!

" Ashley, Oh my goodness," Julia stated when we walked inside." What....?" I said because we all know I'm not the brightest cookie in the crayon jar! " Did you see the way Riker was looking at you during breakfast?" Julia did not just say that that didn't happen. She is crazy. " The entire time I was talking he was looking at you!" Julia said giggling. That would explain why I felt like I was being watched but that's crazy. What could Riker possibly see in a girl like me? "Ashley you got a text." Julia said handing me my phone and walking to the kitchen.

(Phone Conversation)Unknown: Hey Ashley!

Me: Um. Who is this?

Unknown: Riker! You know I let you sleep in my bunk on the bus.

Me: How did you get my number?

Riker: Julia...

Me: She just randomly gave you my number.

Riker: I may or may not have asked for it....

Me: Ok so what's Up

Riker: Just talking to you....what about you?

Me: Planning things for tour with Julia

Riker: Well I have a question?

Me: Shoot.

Riker: Well our bus needed some repairs and we don't want to have to pay for a hotel so...?

Me: You want to know if you can crash at my house.

Riker: Please....

Me: Ok. But you have to bring over some pizza.

Riker: DEAL!!!

" Julia you've got some splaning to do!!!!"

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