Chapter 7

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I really hope he doesn't take that weird. " What I meant was that Um well... Goodnight Riker." Could I have not thought of that in the first place...... way to go Ashley. That has to be Riker: 1 Ashley: 0. "Goodnight babe." For real. Riker will be the death of me. Let's just pretend it just a normal night and I'm in bed alone. Who am I kidding he smells so good. Focus Ashley just go to sleep!

The next morning I woke up with arms wrapped around me. WAIT! WHAT! He is not. What is air. I can't even!!. I guess he felt me start to hyperventilate because he shifted his weight then said, " I forgot to warn you, I'm a cuddler. I hope you don't mind." Is he kidding of course I don't mind he is Riker Anthony Lynch why on Earth would I mind. Play cool Ashley. " What time is it?" Really? That is the best you can come up with. " 12:15" Riker said and let me just inform you that in the morning Riker's voice does this whole raspy thing and it's hot!

" We should probably get up." Good job, lets just end the cuddle session with Riker..... not. " Well we could, but Julia and Rydel went to the movies with Ratliff and Rocky. Ross and Ryland are upstairs playing video games. So what's the rush?" So we are the only ones in bed. Ok. Cool. " There's no rush," but how convenient. " If you don't mind my asking, why do you seem to not like me," does he even know me. Me.... not like him." That is exactly opposite!" NO! I didn't.... " I mean..." I was cut off mid sentence. Not by Riker.......but well........ he kissed me. It wasn't like those little pecks on the check. Nope it was sweet and meaningful and holy cow. I didn't expect it either and I didn't want it to stop. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that i just got carried away. I'm..." I don't know what or why I did this but I kissed him to shut him up from all the nonsense. Oh and he is a really good kisser.

" What was that for?" Riker said confused. Awww he looks so cute confused. " Well you were rambling on and I didn't want you to apologize for kissing me." Yup, I just said that. " Wait, I'm confused. Do you like me or not...?" Riker said. His nose does this cute little scrunchy thing when he's confused and it is adorable. " Of Course I like you! I mean your are cute and talented and cute!" Did you see that. Riker is blushing. Now that is cute!

" You do?!?!? Really?" Riker asked looking like a puppy who is about to get a treat. " Really Really" I said as we both went back to cuddling and watching tv!

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