Tango for three

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I've finally found my perfect Miles, her names Julia Saner with her OTD. Chapter not edited.

The HellCat is one of the many bars their friend Jeoffry Zultan owns, just downtown. Miles wore a simple black sleeveless blouse, a thin scarf, hugging jeans and a black knee high boots. She let her long raven tresses flow freely down her slender back. She only wore a thin face powder and a lip gloss, she is not keen on wearing make up just when direly needed. She wore her wristwatch and her earpiece that leads directly to Ricafort security, whenever they need back up it would be available. She slip her throwing knives in each boots specifically designed for hidden weapons. She tuck two automatic glock at her back strap her bulletproof vest help keep the weapons invisible but made easy enough to get when needed. Call her paranoid but its better safe than sorry. Better be ready at all times. Another important lesson from the shinobi teachings.

Her mind drift back towards the gorgeous twins currently waiting down stairs. Definitely those two work out over the years. She can see their body outline through their white shirts and damnation, their body are more than fine. She wondered how those abs felt under her hands. She mentally kick her self. What was she thinking, they are her boss for heaven sake. This is the first she thought of such, no man made her think those. Until them.

She sighed and look at her reflection, eyes bright, cheeks slightly flushed and lips parted. Jesu what is this fluttering in her chest?. She shook herself and patted her cheeks to shake those feelings. She controlled her breathing and schooled her expression.

"Yes. I'm ready, let's do this." She straighten her back, held her head high and push her emotions aside. Finally she wore her leather jacket since its slightly cold outside.

She was just descending the stairs nothing special but why the heck does that simple action held them captive? She did not even wore fancy clothing or try to Impress them with her casual attire. Maybe it was her graceful strides, or the proud way she carries herself. Or is it the way her hair swayed like her full round bosom and her long slender jean clad legs? Honestly both men had no clue.

She was in front of them, in an instant and in sync the brothers stood. Daemon put a gentle hand on her lower back completely missing the edges of her guns while Angelo grabbed her elbows.

"You look nice."Angelo complemented. He really meant to say that she is smoking hot despite her simple attire but refrained himself.

"Lets go." The ride was full of tension, not the bad kind though, no one spoke the whole duration. They stopped in front of a high class bar. Music blare from the inside out. Angelo opened the car door and gently led her out like a lady, which she is not in the slightest. But she did not comment on it. Behind her , Daemon has his hand on the small of her back while closing the doors.

"Shall we."

The three of them walked at the same time, the twins gently led her away from the front doors and the two bouncers eying her towards the VIP door. Another bouncer stood there but this time more discreet, recognized the twins and let them in immediately.

Miles felt it before she knew it. Before the guy could leap behind their backs she distangled herself from the twins in a one fluid motion she grabbed the guy's arm, trip his feet then roll him over her shoulder using his momentum to lift him then slam him down. Back against the floor arms pinned and her hands fisted looming threateningly towards the sneaky guys face.

The twin gasped, watching her move swiftly and gracefully.

"Who are you and why are you attacking from behind?" She asked calmly.

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