Behind The Mask

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Chapter not Edited
Miles excused herself from the twins while they were busy with their paper works, she really needed to pee. With fast and gracefull strides she reach the comfort easily and currently no one is in there. She quickly did her business and went out of her cubicle.

Who was waiting for her outside was who she completely expected. Its been two days since their awkward parting. Janet stood there, waiting for her with what she thought a threatening glare. But she was not threaten even a bit. She faced more intimidating people everday and every night for that was what her job required. Compared to those big personalities intense eyes its like comparing a lion to a kitten thinking she is a tiger.

Miles raised a brow and smirked. She walk over to thr sink and wash her hands casually.

"So what do you want?" She asked innocently calm.

Janet growled and marched over to her, putting both her arms besides Miles trapping her. the action would've been really frightening, if Miles was smaller and a coward. But no she tower over Janet by a foot and she's not even wearing heals. Miles folded her arms over her chest and looked down, amused at the fuming woman.

"Stay the fuck away from the twins. Their mine!" She spat.

"Hmmm. Possessive much? You dont own them." Miles replied calmly. Ignoring how Janets eyes glint with more hate.

"And who does, you?"

"No. No one owns them. Their not toys. Who they choose, that does not conerns you. I mean what are you in their lives? Nothing." She taunt. Her patience for this kind of people are nonexistent, she really cant tolerate them.

"You bitch. You're just like me, youre worth nothing to them to. You're just their silly whore, and when they find someone new, theyll just drop you---"

"For who? For you?" Miles cut her off. She was not affected since Janet's accusations are false "They are no fools to settle for less. That only proves how much you dont know them. Thinking their some kind douche sleeping around with just anybody, thinking they could f*ck you! Well guess what they would never like a person like you. And FYI im no slut nor whore for aint selling my body like you are."

"How dare you!" Janet tried to slap her. Key word tried. Miles easily catch her wrist.

"You f*cking bitch you'll pay for this! Let go of me!" She squirmed trying to escape my vice like clutches.

"Is that a threat Miss Janet?" She asked calmly. Her smiling demeanor more threatening than her void ones. She grab The smaller womans front shirt and pull her closer, lifting Janet above ground so they stood face to face. Her smiling eyes held challenge and unforgiving retaliation.

Janet took a huge gulp, eyes widening her free shaking hands trying to unclasp Miles tight grip on her shirt but to no avail.

"One thing you should know about me Miss Janet, is that I dont take threats lightly. Whether it be given to me or I threaten back. The outcomes always the same. Either I make them suffer my threat or exterminate them in anyway, before they can do what they intended. Easy as that. So if I where you, better go on your way, do your job and stop waisting my precious time."

Janet whimpred when she tighten her hold" Are we clear? Answer me!" She raise her voice.

"Yes!" Janet squeaked.

"Good." Miles put her down and smoothen her crumpled shirt." Off you go. And dont ever cross me me again."

Janet nod and almost ran out of the womens toilet. Miles huff and arrange herself. Composing her features. then she went out like nothing happened.

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