Author's note

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Okay Hi! This is my third book however, I haven't finished any of them. I'm gonna have to not post anything for a while on the other two because I'm gonna be spending all my free time trying to write this. I have to meet the deadline. November 30! *Gasp* Special thanks to xXDJ12Xxfor making the cover. I'ts the first book I made where the cover wasn't made by me :D lol. It would be such an honor to me nominated or even considered for nomination and I thank each and every one of you for reading this. THANK YOU!

This book is actually based off of something at home. A couple of years ago I told my brother I was part of this super-elite group called the ultimates who were above all people and that he could never be one because he was a special race of alien called the Ghunge Ghunge (pronounced Gung Gung. SPOILER ALERT You'll see them in the book and they'll be called the Ghunges not the Ghunge Ghunges) who are lower-class aliens. I told him that he comes from a family of Ghunge Ghunges and I was adopted lol :) I don't know if he belived me or not but I kept saying it.

The book takes place in the year 2017 by the way, just so ya know. All of my characters are fictional (if there's anyone out there with my characters' names then it's not about you). I also googled 'The Ultimates' a few hours before I posted this and I found out they're some Marvel superhero team. I'm just gonna say this had NOTHING to do with that. They probably won't even have superpowers (even if I do it'll probably be only one and it'll be some genetic mutation thing but that probably won't happen). So here ya go. Enjoy my book! Thank you for reading!

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