Chapter six

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Namines POV

Witch? what did that word even mean?

"Is that her?"

I keep hearing voices In my heard


and I don't know the person who they belong to

"full blooded-"

they keep saying strange things



"she is a full blooded 100% witch"

"a full blooded...witch"

they come closer... I hear them loud'r... like its going to consume every inch of me

"she is a witch"

and It docent feel right...

"hugg" I sighted when I woke up from my nightmare
I looked around then felt really warm when I looked I saw that I'm in Roxas chest

"Good morning Nami" he said whith a sweet smile

"Morning" I said as I smiled back

I decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up

"Good Morning Nami" those words kept running thro my mind

did he call me Nami?
"why did we sleep together?
why am I in the bathroom?
why cant I know what I'm feeling right now

"okay calm down Namine" I said poring water to my face

"okay this is going to be a good summer don't let yourself get cough up by a crappy morning" I said to myself While I gabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth

several minutes later I walked out of the bathroom and went downstairs

"Morning!" said Kairi over by the stove

"whats for breakfast?" asked Roxas who walked in before i could even open my mouth

"Good morning to you too!" said Sora said sarcastically

"Good morning... whats for breakfast?"
Roxas replied

I just couldn't help but to laugh

"I'm making pancakes!" Kairi said while she flipped a pancake

"yum" me and Sora said at the same time... me and Kairi giggled

after eating breakfast Kairi and I went upstairs to change into our swimsuits

"what exactly happened last knight? I asked

"well a guy broke in and tried to hurt us luckily for us Sora and Roxas were next door" sh replied with a worried face

"what did he want?" I asked

"I honestly don't know" she replied

"One more question before I shut up.."

"yeah" she asked

"did the boys sleep here last night? Or was it an Illusion of mine?" I asked Confused

"why the question?you like Roxas?" she smirked

"First of all I woke up in his chest and I want to know if its real and second of all I don't know!"

"Yeah they did sleep here last night and you like him!"

"you know I'm not the only one" I said as I finished getting dressed

"what I don't like Roxas!" she said as she put on a necklace

"I'm not talking about him" I said as I walked out

"hey no fair!" she yelled from upstairs

I went downstairs and grabbed my drawing pad and put it in my bag then found a note by the back door saying

" Hey Girls We Went Surfing Come Join us...

-Roxas and Sora"

well this is going to be fun!

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