Chapter 18

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Namine's POV

I walked with Olette into her apartment

"Wow this is a big apartment" I said as Olette led me into her room

"Yeah its livable" she said as she opened her closet

"So what are you going to wear tonight?" I asked

"well ether my new black dress or my red velvet dress" she said taking out of her closet a black tight dress and a red velvet regular dress with sleeves

"I'd say red Velvet" I said

"yeah I thought so" she said putting the black dress back into the closet

"Can I go like this?" I asked her

"No honey its a party" she said smiling

"I don't think I have money to buy a new dress and I don't want to ask Roxas..." I said

"Oh don't be silly!!! I'll lend you something! and besides If you asked Roxas I'm pretty sure he would lend you the money and go with you!" she said smirking making me blush

"You think so?" I asked her

"By the way he looks at you I know so!" she said

"Oh but he is not my boyfriend..." I said

"Oh I know he would have kissed you already to get Lena off his back" she said

"the waitress?" I asked confused

"Yeah Lena is a very open and nice person and I can tell what she is thinking by just looking at her" She said looking trough her closet

"And even so I think you would have kissed him to get Kelvin off your back" she said

"Off my back?" I asked

"He he was scanning you from the first moment he saw you that maid Roxas blood boil" She said

"How do you know?" I asked

"Well Roxas and I basically grew up together ever sense we were 4 years old Well we grew alone all of us Pence Heyner Rixas and me our parents fidint give a Damn so they left us with a market laddie and never cane back.... So we have always looked out for each other" She replied still scrolling through her closet

"Well Roxas never mentions his family and Sora tells me not to ask.." I replied

"Sora??" she asked

"Yeah Roxas best friend he is like my brother"

"Oh I found the one!!!!" she giggled as she got a white lacy dress it had an opened back and a jean jacket on top

"Oh gosh how can I repay you?" I asked

"Ask me that again when Roxas faints when he sees you" She said making me blush

"Well lets do our hair she said sitting me on her rolling chair

"Lets curl your hair" she said getting her curling Iron

in just a few minutes my hair was completely curled up and ready to go

"Now lets make a mora natural makeup"
she said getting her blushes and putting blush on my face then she put pink lipstick on my lips

"now get dressed I'll be right there!" she said as she rushed into the bathroom I carefully put the dress on now wanting to break it then I washed my hands As I walked into Olettes room she looked so pretty with the dress we had picked put and her curled hair

"How do I look?" she asked

"like Heyner would fain when he sees you " I said

"Okay so are we ready we don't need anything else?" I asked

"Oh wait!" she said Handing me over a ring

"Whats this?" I asked her talking the ring and looking at it curiously

"It matches with the dress It was my Mom's the only thing she left me"

"Its beautiful"I said giving it back to her

"Oh no you can wear it!" she smiled at me

"Really?" I asked

"yeah 100%• she said while she put on a necklace

"Thanks" I said

"well what are we waiting for lets go!!" she said as she started to walk out the door

This will be a fun night!

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