Chapter 5

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OMG.. . . . 2month without an update and many days of insomnia and lack of creativity to pass writers block I AM SO FREAAAAAAAAKING SORRY GUYS AND HEALTH WOOOOO


Waking up you notice it became dark and heard noises around you, you also happen to notice red glowing eyes as bright as a neon sign in the darkness, you nudge Link to wake him he only grunt and turns over away from you obviously too tired to do anything, you groaned and looked around you more.

"Who is out here?" You call out as you notice the red-eyed thing come closer to you  hearing a dark chuckle a confused yet shocked expression was plastered on your face as you started questioning and figuring out who the thing was, it happened to be Link's evil half Dark Link.

"Hello princess," Dark link chuckled closing his eyes so you couldn't see him anymore "W-what do you want Dark?" You stammered you never really were around darkness(evil) much and not knowing why Dark was here kind of concerned you "Oh? Scared I see...." He said chuckling as he could see your facial expressions switch between emotions.

"J-just answer the question Dark." You state trying to wake the sleeping boy on the ground with your foot as you had stood up so you could go into defense mode at any given moment.

"Well, I'm here for a reason..." Dark said smirking in the dark which you were lucky you couldn't see "What reason!" You say gaining confidence as look around you "I'm here for y o u." He replied mischievously laughing as he opened his eyes, Link tossed on the ground still sleeping.

You grab the sword next to you and held it close and tightly trying to find the evil side of your best friend.

"Hahaha that mere sword? Are you kidding, it can't hurt me!" He said chuckling evilly "Not without hurting lover boy on the ground over there." He smirked more, laughing.

You grunted as you felt a force hit you in the head knocking you out cold into someone's arms.


You awake and felt cold you blink to readjusting your eyes so you see, you were in a dungeon chain on both your feet and legs as you sit on the cold grey cobblestone floor, d e f e n s e l e s s

"The pretty princess is up I see," Dark says getting up from his spot noticing your figure squirming and looking around for any means of a way out.

"You won't escape. . ." He said boldly smirking even more "Loverboy can't help nor will he find y o u." he stated boldly going into the dungeon you were bound to for now.

"What are you going to do? Kill me? Torture me? Put me in a trance?" You ask as he stopped smirking and looked at you "Well someone hangs with Zelda a lot." Dark said his eyes half lidded and his eyebrows scrunched completely confused by the way you pretty much talked back with no fear.

"You will see princess. . . " Dark said walking out of the bar door and walking off.



I have a lot going on!

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