Chapter 1

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AN- Please, please, please listen to the song 'Face down' by 'The red jumpsuit apparatus'. It really is a great song and goes amazingly with this story!


Hermione passed the pregnancy test to her husband, who snorted while taking a large gulp out of his bottle of firewhisky. Usually he would have a muggle drink at hand. 

"Don't you want to look at it, Ron?" She asked through tears. Ron looked at it, seeing it was positive. 

"Whatever." He said. He took another large mouthful of his drink. 

"Ron, please put the drink down. your mother..." Hermione stopped as a bottle came hurtling towards her. It hit her and slashed her cheek, and she raised her hand, tears in her eyes. 

"Go away, bitch." He said. 

"Ron, why did you change? Just a few years ago you were kind and loving... what happened?" Hermione asked him.

"For merlin's sake, fuck off, mudblood." Another bottle came flying towards her, but she managed to duck and it hit the mantelpiece. 

She walked up the stairs where she kept all her books. She was reading one presently called 'Endeavour' by Draco Malfoy. It was since Harry (One of her two best friends) had started dating Draco that Hermione had taken an interest to his work. 

She had read about three chapters when she heard Ron shouting at something. She loved him yet hated him. But she knew she was driven by fear. Two years he had been like this, but she had done nothing to get away. 

"Ron? Are, are you okay?" as she spoke, she felt a pain in her face. Ron had taken her wand so she wouldn't use it against him, and he then threatened her with death if anyone was to find out.  

"Get here." He said. She walked slowly down the stairs...

"Cruchio!" Hermione withered it pain. 

"Ron, stop! I'm... preg...n-n-nant, remember?" She managed to splutter through the pain. 

"I. Don't. Care. Mudblood." She didn't know why Ron started to call her mudblood, and had been shocked the first time he said it. 

He cast a binding spell and grabbed a knife. 

'Mudblood.' He carved in the same place Bellatrix had. 

"Ginny wrote to you. She said she knows about me being what she calls abusive. As if! You. Filthy. Mudblood!" He kicked her legs, and stormed off in a fit of anger, getting a bottle of liquor on the way.

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