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Samora nuged the gun on the intruders head, making it clear that she meant business. "Don't Move."

One minute she was watching sit-comes and eating dill pickles chips the next minute a man with a ski-mask is in her fathers office. A normal person would call the cops, but Samora wasn't normal and she wouldn't let a man get away with her fathers money and all the other valuables in the safe.

"Stand up," Samora demanded. The man put up his hands slowly and stood to a staggering height that Samora hadn't anticipated, it looked like he could easily over power her, but she was the one with the gun to his head, she was the one with the power. "Turn around slowly and take off the mask."

The man began to turn, and as he turned fully Samora saw his piercing grey almost white eyes, they were beautiful. He didn't make a move to remove his mask, and Samora was beginning to get agitated. "I said remove the mask."

Victor didn't want his identity to be revealed, he didn't know if she would recognize his from the news years ago. As Victor turned around he saw the petite girl, her hair in long flowing red locks down her back, and her eyes where a whisky color, they where brown but they weren't a dark brown.

She was wearing ripped jeans and a large T-shirt almost swallowing her small frame. Standing up she was almost a foot and a half shorter than Victor. Victor wasn't for a second about to let this tiny thing stop him from his job, he needed that money and he needed to be bailed out of jail for good.

"You don't want to take off your mask, fine I'll just call the cops and they can reveal your identity," Samora reached around her back pocket and pulled out her cell phone.

Victor put his hands back in the air and stepped forward making Samora step back. "Fine...fine."

Victor grabbed the hem of the mask and began to slowly pull the mask off, by the time it reached his noes Samora could already tell he was drop dead gorges. He pulled it off completely to reveal pink plump lips a strait pointed noes, and those long black eyelashes covering his icy grey gaze. His shaggy curly hair fell to his brow and curled around his neck in little spirals. Samora was tempted to run her fingers through it but then shook her head. This was a thief, a man who broke into her home and tried to steal her fathers belongings, just because he had good looks didn't mean she would ignore that fact.

"Now who are you and what the hell are you doing in my house?" Samora hissed.

He laughed, it was a hearty deep laugh that made Somora weak in the knees. It almost caught her off gaurd, why was get laughing, didn't he realize she had a gun to his head?

"What's so funny, does it look like I'm laughing, do you not realize I have a gun pointed at your skull?" Somora asked him.

He stepped closer to me one slow agonizing step at a time. I backed up keeping my gun pointed at his head, why was he walking at me?

"Number one, your not a killer I can see it in your eyes, even it you wanted to shoot that gun butterfly, you wouldn't have the heart to do it," his voice reverberated through the silent room and he kept walking to her. "Number two, your safety's on."

Before I could react to flip off the safely he reached for me. He hit the inside of my arm with a hard but firm hand making me drop the gun in an instant. Somora's eyes bulged out of her skull, and she watched as he moved for the gun on the floor. Her instincts kicked in and she leapt for the gun at the same time as him. Both of there hands grabbed each others.

They began to wrestle for the gun with each other. He slammed her up against the wall with a hard thud and the air flew out of her lungs. She went for the one place all men had a weakness, and he groaned as she kneed it.

This crazy woman would not give up, Victor thought. For such a little thing she was strong, but he was just being gentle with her, he didn't want to bruise such a ripe peach as herself. He had her pinned on the wall, he was about to take the gun from her grasp when he knee jabbed him right in the balls and he grunted reaching for his babies.

"Why do the crazy ones always go for the balls?" Victor asked himself.

Somora grabbed the gun in an instant when he fell to the floor. She had an eye twich when he called her crazy and kneed him in the face with a good crack. She flipped the safety off and cocked the gun, if he thought she was playing around he has another thing coming.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time," She put the gun to his head again giving it a rough nudge. "Who, are, you?"

Victor sighed, the lady had bested him, but only because he had gone soft on her. "The names Walter, and yours?"

"I'm the fucking Easter Bunny," Somora declaired. "If you don't tell me who you are, or who you work for within the next five seconds, I will put a bullet through your skull, do you understand me!?"

Victors eyebrows creased, he felt rage at the tip of his tongue. No one threatened him. No one, period. The last person who did got his tongue cut out and ate his own blood for breakfast.  "Oh butterfly, I know you didn't just threaten me."  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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