Tag! You're It!

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I was tagged by 5sos-koala to do 100 truths so here we go! (Btw I'm sorry if you are annoyed by these.)

1. Real name?
Benvolio 3000

2. Nickname?
Abbey, Shorty

3. Male or female?
I have a vagina.

4. Elementary, Middle, or High School?
High School. It sucks butt.

5. Fav color?
Black and Periwinkle.

6. College?
Planning on it.

7. Hair color?
Light/Dark Brown.

8. Short or tall?
Extremely short.

9. Shorts or jeans?

10. Phone or camera?
Camera all the way.

11. Health freak?
Lol no.

12. Orange or apple?

13. Crush or taken?

14. Guy friends or girl friends?
Both are great.

15. Piercings?
Do ear piercings count?

16. Coke or Pepsi?

17. Been on an airplane?
Yes, I have.

18. Been in a relationship?
Yeah, I'm currently in one.

19. Ever been in a car crash?
No, fortunately.

20. Ever been in a fist fight?
Yeah I have.

21. First piercing?

22. Best friends?
I have all of you guys on Wattpad plus 3 irl.

23. First crush?
The penguin from the Backyardigans. Don't judge me. Now if you excuse me I'll just go crawl in the abyss.

24. First word?
I don't know.

25. Last person you talked to?
My friends.

26. Last person you texted?
My girlfriend.

27. Last food I ate?
Pasta, I think.

28. Last song?
The Child We Lost 1963 by La Dispute

29. Last bought item?
My T.A.R.D.I.S. sweater.

30. Last person I hugged?
My brother.

31. Foods?
Anything Italian.

32. Drinks?
Mostly iced tea.

33. Favorite type of bottoms?
Woah, kinky.

34. Favorite animals?

33. Movie?
Any Tim Burton movie.

34. Classes?
English, Art, and Film.

Have you ever. . . .

35. Fallen in love?
Yes I have.

36. Celebrated Halloween?
Um, yeah!

37. Had your heart broken?
Yeah but I choose not to think about it.

38. Went over the text limit?
Ha, what limit?

39. Had someone like me?
Surprisingly yes.

40. Hated the way someone changed?
God, where do I begin.

41. Gotten pregnant?
Uh I'm into girls. Kinda my own form of birth control.

42. Gotten an abortion?
Read my previous answer.

43. Did something I regret.

44. Broke a promise?
Who hasn't.

45. Hidden a secret.

46. Pretended to be happy?
All the time.

47. Met someone that changed my life?
Yes I have and I owe my life to that person.

48. Gotten into an argument with my best friend(s)?
Yeah but it's mainly over tiny things.

49. Stayed single for two years since your last relationship or been single forever?
My relationship with my girlfriend is my first.

50. What am I currently eating?
Nothing at the moment.

51. Drinking?

52. Listening to?
I'm watching Pokémon.

53. Sitting or laying?

54. Plans today?
Stay up watching Kill La Kill.

55. Waiting for. . .?
Death Of A Bachelor
Fall Out Boy concert
MDE tour.

56. Wanting kids?
At the age of 26.

57. Want to get married?
Yes eventually.

58. Want to travel?
Yes to Japan and the Nordic countries.

59. What I look for in a partner?
Someone willing to put up with me.

60. Height: Short or Tall?
Doesn't matter.

61. Younger or older?
I prefer the same age but a year younger or older is alright.

62. Romantic or spontaneous?
Um, both.

63. Troublemaker or hesitant?

64. Hooks ups or relationship?

65. Looks or personality?
Personality. Looks are just a bonus.

Have I ever. . . .

66. Lost glasses?
Not yet.

67. Snuck out of the house?

68. Held a knife or gun as self defense?
Uh no.

69. Killed someone?
Now why would I admit to that over the internet?

70. Broken someone's heart?
I sure hope not.

71. Been in love?
Yes, yes I am.

72. Cried when someone died?

Do I believe in. . .?

73. Myself?
Hahahahahaha hahahahaha hahaha haha NO.

74. Miracles?
In a way. It depends.

75. Love at first sight?
Uhhhhhh, I guess?

76. Heaven?

77. Santa?
Pffft, no.

78. Aliens?
Hell yeah!

79. Angels or ghosts?

Truthfully. . . .

80. Is there someone you'd rather be right now?

81. Do you know who you're true friends are?
Fortunately I do.

82. Believe in God?
No. I'm sorry please no hate.

83. Gay, Lesbian, Bi, or Straight?

Okay now I tag -_Killjoy_Grace_-


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