Why wouldn't they tell us?!

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Ben's POV-

We all crammed into Danny's car and went to the movies. Well, except James. He wanted to spend time with Brandi before our next tour which apparently starts is a week. It kind of made me wonder why Sam wasn't with Brittany instead. I'm sure if they broke up he would've said something about it by now. 

When we got there, we immediately got in a fight over which movie to see. Cam and Sam were agreeing on seeing some comedy, and Danny was completely against it. I didn't really want to get involved being new here and everything. Sure, I started the band, but I was gone for a whole month. It's gonna take time to readjust if that makes sense.

"It's two against one, Dan! We win!" Cam yelled, pointing at Danny. Sam just nodded in agreement.

"But your movie sucks! Besides, Ben hasn't decided." Danny added and they all turned to me.I looked around at all of them. Cam was discretely (not discretely at all) pointing up at the sign of the movie he chose; And Danny was giving me a pleading look.

"Um.." I thought a while longer, not that this decision really matter that much. It's just a bloody movie. "I think... I think we should see Nightmare on Elm Street." I said quickly before looking around everywhere but at the guys. 

"I told you your movie sucked." Danny put an arm over my shoulder and started walking us towards the ticket counter.

"But that doesn't change anything! Now were just two against two!" Sam yelled and followed behind us. Danny stopped, causing me to stop too, and turned around.

"But we just got Benny back, remember? Look at this face," He put his hands on both sides of my face and looked sad. "Shouldn't he get to pick?" 

Cam and Sam looked between each other then Cam sighed.

"Fine. But only because we need you in this band.. And we love you." 

"Yeah.. Yeah!! You do need me in this band, bitches!"


We got our tickets and popcorn and everything then went to the theatre. It was really full and we were actually a bit late. 

"Why the fuck is this movie even in theatres anyway?" Cam whispered loudly while we all tried to slide by people to our seats. A few people gave us looks and 'shushed' us.

"Because It's almost Halloween, dipshit. Shut the fuck up." Danny whispered quieter than Cam, but still got shushed. I do suppose we were being kinda rude. Well, not me. Them. Danny turned around, looking pissed.

"Do you even know who I am?!" He said, a bit louder than normal speaking level, only receiving more shushes. I sat in a seat and pulled him down.

"You're gonna get us kicked out!"

When we all finally sat down, it ended up being me, then Danny and on the other side of him was Cam then Sam.

It was about halfway through the movie when I attempted to find the popcorn in the dark, without looking away from the movie. I reached over Danny and moved my hand around to find it. Having been almost 5 minutes, I looked over and almost fell completely out of my chair. Cameron and Sam were kissing. Wait; let me rephrase. More like mouth rape. I couldn't function for a moment. I mean, how often do you just find your best friends kissing. Well... I suppose that happened with Danny and I.. But It's not the same. Or maybe it is? I was in shock.

I pulled on Danny's shirt to get his attention, trying not to cause a scene. He gave me a confused look and I just pointed in their direction. He looked over for a few seconds then looked back and mouthed, 'holy shit'. Before I could respond in any way, he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him out of the room. 

"Holy shit" He repeated, running a hand through his hair then laughing a little. "Do you think they.. like.. have a thing?" He asked in a childish way.

"If they did they would've told us right?" I waited for him to nod or agree in some form. He just looked at the floor, biting his lip. "Right?!?!"

"N-not necessarily," He looked up. "I mean, we didn't tell them for over a month."

"But It's different! They already knew!"

"Well we know about them.  Why not use that?" He smirked in a way that almost scared me. What the fuck could he be thinking.


A/N: okay so I finally updated *throws confetti*. But again I'm super sorry guys. This chapter doesn't really have anything to do with the story line, I just thought I'd make it fluffy and not dramatic because I like just came back and shit. I think the next chapter or two will be Sameron based, then I'll get back to the original story line I have planned. I have plenty of ideas guys. anyway, I'll try to update again within a day or two. Thank you sooo much for reading! xo

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