Chapter 18

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Zayn practically sprinted to his room ripping off his clothes along the way. By the time he got to his hotel room door the hallways was litered with his v-neck, skinny jeans and boxers. He could have picked them up but the boner he was carrying told him otherwise. Harry on the other hand was stuffing movies into his backpack just in case Liam got curious and asked where he was going.

"And where do you think you're going cupcake?" Liam asked wrapping his arms around Harry from behind.

Harry cleared his throat and set his phone by his backpack. "I'm hanging out with Zayn tonight we're gonna watch some movies"

"I thought you guys weren't talking?" Liam pulled away as Harry turned to face him.

"It's fine now." Harry said trying to keep the conversation short. He really didnt want to keep Zayn waiting.

"Can't you just tell him you're staying with me tonight we never get to do anything anymore" Liam pouted watching Harry.

"Li me and Zayn have a lot to talk about and he's my best friend I can't just stand him up." Harry replied impatiently.

"You've got to kidding me Harry why do you think I convinced Paul to let me share a room with you?! I want to spend time with you but all you want is to be with Zayn all the fucking time!" Liam glared at him angrily.

Harry sighed and grabbed his phone sending a quick text to Zayn telling him he would be late. "I've already made plans Liam." He put his phone down and walked over to his side of the bed looking through his luggage for more movies. Bad choice. Liam watched Harry before grabbing his boyfriend's phone as it vibrated. He unlocked the phone reading the text Zayn had sent back.

theres a price for being late lover boy ;)

Liam glared at the screen scrolling through Harry's and Zayn's messages to each other, most of it just Zayn flirting and sending more sexual messages. Liam bit his lip blinking back tears as he turned to Harry. "Are you cheating on me?"

Shit. Harry dropped his movies and stood up staring at Liam before raising his eyebrow as he caught sight of his phone. "What are you doing with my phone?"

"Answer my fucking question, have you been cheating on me Harry." Liam asked firmly gripping Harry's phone tightly.

"Liam of course not now give me my phone" Harry shook his head walking over to Liam and prying his phone out of his boyfriend's grip.

"You're such a fucking liar I saw what he sent I saw everything! You've been sleeping with him behind my back you piece of shit!" Liam yelled shoving Harry as tears escaped his eyes. "You lied to me! You told me you loved me how could you do this to me Harry how?!" Tears were now running down poor Liam's cheeks and all he could think about was how stupid he was to let something like this get passed him.

Harry rolled his eyes shoving his phone back in his pocket. "I hope you know what's coming out of that mouth of yours is complete bullshit." He slung the strap of his bag over his shoulder and began heading towards the door.

"Don't you dare walk away from me." Liam fumed pulling off Harry's bag and throwing it across the room. "Turn around and look me in the fucking eye. Tell me you've never slept with Zayn while we were dating."

Harry sighed turning around to face Liam. "I've never slept with Zayn while we were dating." He repeated not meeting Liam's eyes.

Liam narrowed his eyes getting that sinking feeling in his heart. "You liar."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows watching Liam's eyes darken. "Do you not trust me Liam I love you and I would never do something like that. All those texts they're just harmless flirting it doesn't mean anything. You flirt with Niall and Lou all the time."

Liam teared up again his tears coming faster because not once did Harry meet his eyes. His saddened expression soon turned to anger as he slammed Harry against the door. Harry winced as pain spread through his back and the back of his head.

"You sleep with my best friend and you have the nerve to not only lie to me but say you love me?! You're such a fucking whore you worthless piece of shit!" Liam yelled tightening his grip on Harry's arm his short nails digging through the younger boy's skin. No one would think of all people Liam would be the violent type but this was a side of him that rarely came out and Harry had never witnessed it until now. "You've got one more chance to tell me the truth Harry." Harry could've told Liam what he'd been up to the past few months but that meant sabbotaging the band and ruining Liam and Zayn's friendship so he willed himself to look into Liam's eyes.

"I never slept with Zayn and I never will we're just best friends nothing more Liam please you're hurting me" Harry whimpered as Liam's grip tightened and teared up still keeping his eyes on his boyfriend. "Liam please let go" Liam's face softened as he let Harry drop to the floor and kneeling down by him quickly.

"Baby i'm so sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you Harry are you okay?" Liam asked worridly but Harry just sat there sobbing into his knees. Liam bit his lip and sat beside Harry stroking his hair softly. "I'm sorry I never believed you I didn't mean to hurt you or say those things I'm so sorry please forgive me Harry" He rambled kissing Harry's head pulling him unto his lap. "I'm so sorry"

Harry was scared. That's why wouldn't stop crying. He was also dissapointed in himself for lying not only once to Liam but three times. He was dissapointed in himself for being the reason Liam had turned into a monter. He was dissapointed that even though Liam kept apologizing all he wanted was to be in Zayn's arms.

A/N um um um um um um um um um this is a short update oops if i made you cry i am so sorry lol no keep sobbing i dont care i'm kidding i love you and i hope you arent mad that this wasnt smut because mwahahaha that's not how the story is supposed to go you lil shit. anywho i hope you liked the update and are maybe a bit intimidated by liam.

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