Chapter 21

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Zayn's jaw dropped as he jumped off the counter. "Louis... wow I dont know what to say" He shook his head and stared at his best mate.

"All i've ever done is be there for you Zayn! I've taken care of you through your fights with Harry and I've watched you love him more than you could ever love me." Louis looked back at Zayn with hurt in his eyes. "Zayn if you could just give me a chance.."

"Lou I'm really sorry I don't like you like that" Zayn smiled sadly and walked up to him. "I know you have feelings for me but I'm not the one for you I'm sorry"

Louis frowned and nodded. "I got it. Goodluck with Harry, I hope he was worth it." He spat and turned around walking back into the living room.

Zayn sighed loudly running a hand through his hair and followed Louis' path but decided to sit by Niall who was grinning down at his iPhone screen. "what are you smiling about leprachaun?" Zayn asked watching Niall's as they lit up when he got a text.

Niall shook his head disregarding the question and concentrated on the screen. He bit his lip reading the message causing's Zayn's curiosity to get the better of him as he snatched the phone from Niall's hands.

"Hey!" Niall screamed as Zayn stood up and went through his messages. "Zayn give it back!"

"Who's Bella?" Zayn snickered raising the phone out of Niall's reach.

"None of your business, Z give it back" Niall begged and pouted. "Zaaaaaynnn"

Zayn rolled his eyes facing away from him and read more of the messages that had been sent back and forth between his best mate and the Bella girl. "aw Niall you guys are so cute"

"Stop it!" Niall huffed and hugged Zayn from behind trying to get his phone.

"Gasp! Is Niall crushing on a girl?!" Harry spoke up from Liam's lap and laughed.

"No I'm not!" Niall argued and crossed his hands. Zayn laughed turning back around and handed Niall his phone.

"You are totally smitten" He smirked and Niall blushed looking down at the carpet.

"Aw Nialler!" Liam grinned watching Niall's face turn redder. "You should invite her over once we're playing in London again, we'd love to meet her isn't that right boys." Liam smiled looking around at all the nodding boys.

"Okay I guess but don't embarass me" Niall bit back a smile and ran to the bed he shared with Louis.

Zayn smiled fondly at the blonde. Whoever this Bella girl was she was really lucky to have someone like Niall. Why couldn't someone love him like that? He looked over at Louis and smiled faintly because someone did love him and maybe being with Louis isnt a bad idea.


"Harry?" Liam spoke softly and sat up against the headboard of the bed he shared with Harry. Sitting up and leaning against his boyfriend, Harry mumbled a quiet 'yes?' in response. They'd stayed late at Niall's and he was just really tired. "You have feelings for Zayn dont you.. please be honest with me I wont hurt you" Liam said looking over at his boyfriend.

Harry nodded and sighed before the words came out. "yeah I do."

"Then are you with me" Liam asked running a hand through the thick head of curls.

"Because I love you" He answered and yawned. "It's complicated-"

"No I get it" Liam nodded and smiled as Harry looked up at him.

"You do?" He asked confused and Liam nodded again.

"I've been through the same thing." Liam said and rested his forehead again Harry's. "Johnny Depp once said if you fall in love two people go for the second one because if you truly loved the first person you wouldn't have fallen in love with someone else." Harry frowned meeting Liam's eyes. He didn't understand what Liam was trying to say.

"It's too bad i'm not willing to let go" Liam mumbles against his boyfriend's lips. "I promise you're not going anywhere. not over my dead body"

"How romantic" Harry laughed and pecked his soft lips gently. "I love you"

"Love you too" He grinned and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist as they lay back down. Harry heard his phone vibrate and leaned over picking it up from the nightstand. He yawned opening the text he'd gotten reading over it and grinned.

zen babe :)

just wanted you to know if you were ever lost at sea i'd dive into the ocean to find you :) x

Harry bit his lip blushing and smiled wider because it's things like this that Zayn does and it always makes his day. Zayn sends the same text every morning and every night and he's been doing so for the past three weeks. Harry didn't know if he'd actually do it but Mr. bradford bad boy didn't know how to swim. That was enough for Harry to turn bright red.

"you're thinking about him aren't you" Liam whispered as he nuzzled his head in Harry's neck. Harry sighed feeling guilty and put his phone away before laying back down. "It's okay if you are I just- .. I don't want you to leave me" Liam hugged Harry tighter and frowned.

Harry smiled softly at his boyfriend thinking about how sweet and innocent he was, how caring and compassionate he always is. Liam wore his heart on his sleeve but Harry didn't know what would be in store for him tomorrow. Liam said he would never let the younger boy go and he intended on keeping that promise.

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