Gem-napping And Feelings

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Chapter Seven

???'s POV

"YOU DID WHAT?!", I roared once Peridot reported me that she lost someone important to me and she's on the hands of those rebels who call themselves the Crystal Gems. "I-I did'nt mean to do so! I-I'm sorry and-" "Sorry would'nt change the past, Peridot", I said, interrupting her. "I'm sending you on a new mission. You should get her from the Crystal Gems and find Jasper for me. If you don't, well, say goodbye to Home World forever. Understand?", I asked. "Yes ma'am", she said.

Turquoise's POV

I rushed outside my room to tell the gems something terribly important. They were sitting on the couch doing nothing so I thought this is the chance. Just as I opened my mouth, Steven came inside, looking excited and all. "Guys! Connie's family is going over! We're gonna have lunch with them!", Steven said. "But-" "When are they coming?", Pearl asked, interrupting what I was supposed to say. "They're coming at two o'clock", Steven said. "Guys, just-" "Steven, its nearly 1:00, are you sure you have enough time for this?", Amethyst asked, interrupting me as well. "Yeah, I'm sure", Steven said. I waited until no one spoke. Steven was about to get out again, and I opened my mouth to at least 'try' to speak when Steven added something. "Oh, and I think you guys should dress up again", he said before fully disappearing. I let my hand drop to my sides. "Unbelievable", I said before warping off to do the thing myself.

I warped to the place, looking completely displeased with the palace looking place. It was nice, really, but the gem guards are just plain irritating. They just don't believe that I'm Turquoise freaking Diamond! A gem came out of the gate, which the guards are protecting, and smiled at me. "Let her in. She's a Diamond", he said.

"So, why are you here?", the gem asked. "I'm actually here to see a gem named Sunstone. He's here, right?", I asked. "Yes, of course. This way", he said, leading me into a door. He opened it for me, andI went inside.

Seeing that the room is dark and empty, I turned to him. I shot him an angry look and said, "Is this some sort of joke to you?! I came here and-", I suddenly yelped when I felt something sting on my neck. I felt heady from dizziness, and I fell to the floor. "Sleep well, baby girl", he said before I closed my eyes and passed out laying on the floor.

Garnet's POV

I have been pacing around the living room for a complete fifteen minutes, with Amethyst groaning and complaining once in a while. Turquoise has'nt returned yet, and Amethsyt thinks I'm worrying too much. "Garnet stop. You're making me dizzy. She'll return home. Don't be so paranoid about her not being able to come back", she said. I stayed silent, knowing that she could be right at some point. I think I am being too paranoid. I can't even see my visions properly! This whole missing Turquoise thing is messing up with me. Steven came back with a big smile on his face. "Is Turquoise back yet?", he asked excitedly. I shook my head, and Steven's smile turned into a frown. "What if she's missing? We need to find her! Garnet use your future vision!", he ordered. I slowly shook my head. "Steven, I can't. My mind is too messed up", I said. Lion growled behind him. "Maybe Lion knows. Do you know where she is, Lion?", he said, turning to look at Lion. Lion growled. "I'll take that as a yes", Steven said.

We arrived in a palace looking place, with gem guards guarding the gate that leads inside. "Garnet, are you sure you're okay going with us?", Steven asked. I nodded. We looked at the guards from behind some trees, good thing they did'nt notice us. "If there are guards on the gate then we should make our way in without getting caught. Amethyst nodded. "And how are we gonna do that?", Steven asked, making me smile as I thought of an idea.


"Nice job Steven!", Amethyst cheered once we got Steven in without getting caught. I made a shushing sound, making her go quiet again. "Wait, where's Lion?", Amethsyt whispered. Steven looked around, then shrugged. Amethyst snickered as I facepalmed. "Now let's go find Turquoise!", Steven whisper-shouted in his usual cheery voice.


"Oh god, we've been here forever", Amethyst whined, making Steven sigh. We've been through some rooms, pathways, and some guards. I looked ahead of me, seeing two pathways, making me stop. "Can I go with Amethyst?", Steven asked. I nodded and took the one on the right. I don't know why, but, it just felt right (PUN CITY!!).

I saw a door on my left, and I cautiously opened it. I looked inside, seeing a dark and empty room, with a gem on it. The gem was sitting on the floor, sobbing and hugging her knees. She has her back facing me, and her hair is a little messed up. "Turquoise?", I asked, reaching my hand towards her. She immediately stood up and pointed a shuriken at me making me see her eyes puffy and red.

Once she realized it was me, she made the weapon disappear and looked down, making her hair cover some parts of her face. "Are you... alright?", I asked, slowly walking towards her. Instead of answering, she hugged me tight and started to cry again. I hugged back and kissed her forehead. I suddenly saw a flash and saw Steven and Amethyst standing on the doorway, looking at the picture they just took. Turquoise started to walk away mumbling, "We should go". Amethyst looked at me as if she was saying, What's up with her?. I shrugged and started following after Turquoise.

Turquoise's POV

I walked as quickly as possible, knowing where the heck Sunstone is, thanks to Garnet and her future vision. I turned around a corner, seeing someone locked up in a cell with that yellow energy thing. I approached it, and looked closely at the gem inside. "Louies?", I called out. Louies perked up and stood up. "What are you doing here?!", he whisper-shouted. "I'm here to save you. I heard that you're here", I explained. "You should go, don't worry about me. Spinel is coming. Now go", he said. "I don't care! Okay? All I care about right now is you", I said, pulling out one of my electric shurikens. He blushed at my reply, making me smirk and threw it straight at the switch. "You could've just turned the switch off y'know", he said once he got out. "Shut up. It has a password on it. Just so you know", I said, making him look at the switch again and let out a huff.

We walked away from the cell. I felt a hand intertwine with mine, making me blush and look at Sunstone. He was looking away, blushing heavily. "What are you doing?", I asked. He looked at me sheepishly, making me smile and gently punch his shoulder. He then said something that I was'nt quite expecting.

"I had'nt realized this for quite a lot of years but... I still love you, Jaden"


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for... 5 or 6 days... maybe a week... well, whatever. Just a li'l bit of writer's block. Well, I hope you like this chapter anyway! God, this is the lonest chapter I've made so far. Mostly because 7 is my lucky number. Well, hope y'all like it!

Ooh!! Looks like someone will be punched in the gut in the next chapter... Keep on hanging to find out! :D

Bai guys!! I missed you all very very much! Thank you for the really wonderful 200+ reads! I love yah guys!


P.S: My name is NOT Jaden. I just thought you need to know. Hehe...

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