Chapter 1: I'm Not Sure

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Reid hasn't been showing up to work recently, Morgan has noticed this. Hotch says that he has called in sick. But it has been two weeks since the team has seen him. Morgan starts to worry about the Reid. He has been tempted to go to Reids apartment and check up on him, but Garcia convinced him not to every time.

Though something, or rather someone, catches his eye as soon as he walks over to grab a mug of coffee. He looks at the person who walks in through the doors. It's Reid, with his head down and hands holding to the strap of his bag.

Prentiss and JJ notice this and run to get Garcia. "Reid's back!" Prentiss calls out to her, causing her to jump to her feet and run to the younger profiling.

"My baby boy!" She calls out as she hobbles over to Reid. Reid greets her back with a smile and lets her hug him. "Where have you been this whole time?" She ask.

"I took a few days off to clear my head." He answers, looking down at the floor again.

"oh." Garcia responds in understanding, remembering what the others had told her that has been happening, where an unsub forced Hotch to molest Reid and then the unsub molest Reid.

"Yeah." Is all Reid can respond with.

Morgan walks over to Hotchs office. "Hey." He greets.

"What's up?" Hotch asks, looking through folders.

"Reid is here." Morgan states and walks away. Hotch looks up in surprise and gets up to see for himself. There he sees with his own eyes, Spencer Reid.

"Thought you called in sick again?" Hotch asks from the railing. Reid spins around quickly and sees him.

"I needed to come back to work." Reid states in a small voice and looks back at the floor.

Prentiss notices this and knows exactly what is going on in his head. JJ leans over and whispers, "What's with him?" She asks.

"He's still remembering the event." Prentiss answers, watching as Reid seems a little uncomfortable with any male that touches him. This is noticed when even Rossi places a hand on Reids shoulder, causing Reid to jump and scoot away, grabbing a hold of the strap of his bag, tighter.

"Oh whoa, kid, sorry." Rossi realizes why he would do that. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He explains.

"No, it's okay." Reid insists. Morgan notices this and keeps a fair distance away. Hotch observes this and can't help but feel responsible for it. He let the creep get to him, let the creep convince him to molest him, and just let the creep molest Reid. All those things, causing him to do nothing more but blame himself. "Any new case?" Reid asks, grabbing Hotchs attention.

"Uh no." Hotch answers, realizing Reid is looking up at him. "So far, its filling out paperwork." He explains. "If uh you want to just sit around or look through files with JJ, then you can." He suggests.

"Okay, thanks." Reid replies and looks to JJ.

"Awesome." Garcia jumps and takes Reids arm. "I'll make some popcorn."

"Oh yum." JJ smiles and leads the way to her office.

Morgan turns and looks up at Hotch. Hotch doesn't notice, just turns and walks back into his office, without another word. Morgan follows him and walks into the office. "What's with you?" He asks.

"Nothing." Hotch answers, obviously being bothered by something.

"Hotch, spill." Morgan shuts the door.

"I blame myself for what happened and how Reid is acting now." Hotch admits. Morgan looks to him in disbelief.

"It's not your fault Hotch, that bastard did it." Morgan states and looks out the windows to see Reid with JJ and Garcia, acting as his old self. "He just needs time to warm up to men again." Morgan states. "And if he doesn't then it's understandable." He adds.

"I know. im not trying to push it, its just hard to see him like that." Hotch explains.

JJ hands Reid a file. "Let's get down to business." She sighs.

"Oh! Are we defeating the huns?" Garcia comes running in with a bowl of popcorn.

"Oh now I want to watch that movie." JJ pouts.

"Then lets." Garcia holds up the movie Mulan.

Reid grins and shakes his head. He's been gone for two weeks and they are trying to hard to make him comfortable again.

"Yes!" JJ replies joyfully and turns on the tv.

"What's this?" Prentiss walks in seeing Reid, JJ, and Garcia going through files while eating popcorn and watching Mulan.

"Movie work time." JJ states. "Come join us babe." She insists. Prentiss grins and joins in.

"Hand me some files baby." Prentiss joins in.

"Sure thing." JJ replies and hands her a stack.

"I said some, not all of it." Prentiss states with a laugh.

"That is some." JJ states and joins in the laughter.

Garcia and Reid laugh as well. "So Reid." Prentiss grabs his attention.

"Hmm?" Reid replies while scanning through folders.

"You thought about who?" Prentiss asks.

"Who what?" Reid asks, confused.

"Have you decided on who you are going to be with, if you actually want to be with anyone?" Garcia explains for Prentiss.

"Oh..." Reid thinks about it for a minute. "To be honest, I'm not sure." Reid answers.

"Is it a bother to ask, what's holding you back?" Prentiss asks.

"I...i...uh...." Reid stumbles on his words.

"You don't have to answer I'd you don't want to." Prentiss insists. "I was just curious."

"Okay." Reid smiles at her. Then gets up. "I will be back." He states and heads to the bathroom.

When he walks in, he locks the door and runs the sink, splashing himself with water, in the face.

Flashbacks of the whole thing coming up. Every touch and feeling causes him to lose it. His breathing picks up, he wraps his arms around himself, gripping his arms tightly.

Every flash, going back to every moment the unsub touched him.

Theres a knock on the door, knocking him out of the flashbacks.

"Hey kid, you in there?" Its Morgan. "Everything okay?" He asks.

Reid quickly splashes himself one more time with water and then dries off. He unlocks the door, looks at Morgan. "Sorry." He mumbles and attempts to walk away.

"Reid." Morgan stops him. "You sure you are ready to come back?" He asks.

"Yeah..." Reid answers and then returns to JJ'S office.

Morgan watches Reid walk away, not sure if he can trust that answer or not.

The Choice (Hotch/Reid/Morgan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora