Chapter 3: The chase

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Prentiss comes running up to Reid. "Where's Morgan?" She asks. "And wow, you okay?"

"He's in the bathroom. And yeah I'm fine, why?" Reid replies.

"Your hair is a mess, more than usual." She stated.

Reid quickly fixes his hair. "What's going on?" He asks.

"I just got a call saying there was another victim." Prentiss answers. She then drags Reid with her to go grab Morgan.

Morgan is just walking out of the bathroom when he bumps into Reid and Prentiss, literually.

"Whoa, hey now." Morgan looks to them confused. "What's all this about?"

"Another victim, fresh, let's go." Prentiss orders and drags Reid off again.

"Where are we going?" Morgan asks as he catches up.

"Two blocks away." Prentiss answers.

"What in the world?" Morgan is so confused. "And we are just going in, blind?"

"The only way." Prentiss states.

Hotch, JJ, and Rossi board their jet. "Alright, let's get this case done quickly so we can return back here." Hotch states.

"Agreed." Rossi replies and takes a set. "Have you noticed how the kid has been acting?"

"Yes, I have." Hotch answers. "But right now we need to focus on the case." He insisted.

Morgan, Prentiss, and Reid arrive at the scene. "Well we usually don't tale these cases, but let's ask around." Prentiss states.

"I thought I was leader?" Morgan asks.

"Well it looks like we all take turns." Reid states as he pulls out his notepad.

"Hey, you sure you are okay to work?" Morgan asks as he pulls Reid to the side.

Reid nods and refuses to make eye contact. "Yeah, I'm okay." He answers.

"You sure? Because what happened earlier didn't seem like it." Morgan states.

Reid turns to look at Morgan. "I know, but I am fine."

"Alright, well if you need anything, and I mean anything, you let me know." Morgan explains.

"Thank you." Reid replies. "Excuse me." He slips away from Morgan to question others about the incident.

Reid begins to question two witnesses. "We say the victim walking with this man and then after we walk pass, we heard a woman scream and the guy was on the ground." One witness states.

"What did this guy look like?" Reid asks.

"He was tall, he had a blue jacket, white beanie, and he had uh...sure glasses like Ozzy Osbourne." The witness states.

"So male. Can you estimate a age range, race, and height?" Reid asks.

Prentiss was asking three witnesses, but not receiving the same results.

"And what did this second man look like?" She asks.

"Well that's the thing, it was a woman." One witness states. "She had very long straight hair, brunette, and had that hippie look." She explained. "Probably a young woman in her late teens, she uh was white."

"No way." Another witness states. "She was black."

"No she was definitely a native american." The third witness states.

"Oh boy." Prentiss murmers to herself.

Morgan wasn't having much luck either.

"Okay okay, thank you." He walks away, slightly aggravated.

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