Chapter 8: I Don't Understand

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Reid arrives at the Las Vegas airport, knowing it's to late now to go back. He looks around the place, everything still the way he remembers it being. He heads out of the airport as he retrieves his bags and grabs a Taxi, asking the driver to drive him to the closest Hotel near the group home, his mother lives in. 

He arrives at the hotel, gets a room, starts to look through his things, and as he does he finds a T-shirt that isn't his. It was Morgans t-shirt he had forgotten in his place when he last stayed the night. Reid doesn't know how that ended up in his bag, but now memories start to flood back to him, the times when Morgan would act as if he hated him. Like when Gideon asked Morgan about being showed up by others who are smarter, Morgan doesn't think he noticed how he pointed towards him, but he knew the whole time, he just went with it. He even remembers in Alaska, Morgan was the first one to say he would not share a room with him, it hurt to hear him say it, but it was Morgan just being a macho man. 

Reid smiles at all the memories of Morgan trying to make himself seem like some big badass and hide the side that cared most about his team. That's one of the many reasons that Reid had fallen for Morgan, how he thinks being a badass makes him more attractable but it was the side that makes him seem human that made him the one Reid wanted to be with. The side that makes him human. 

Reid catches a whiff of Morgans cologne on the shirt. He doesn't want to smell that so he just takes the shirt and shoves it back deep into the suitcase. He looks at the clock and decides that maybe just giving his mother a visit will take his mind off of all of it. He hasn't seen her in awhile, he's been so afraid and ashamed that he is the reason why she is there. But she never really seems to bring it up, in fact, all she does is try to keep Reid out of there, because she knows what she has is genetic and they can't find out that Reid has a chance at having what she has. Which always seems kind of funny to him, because she seems to have taken over that place. 

He arrives there and he doesn't even need to check in, everyone there knows him, because all his mother can do is brag about how smart and such he is. "Spencer." A nurse grabs his attention. "Hey, how are you?" She greets.

"Im good. my mother here?" He asks, pointing to the room all the patients hang around. She smiles and nods.

"Yeah, she's been waiting to see you actually. I don't know how she knew you were coming but she did." She states and walks away. He hesitates before he enters the room, unsure if he really should go in there. Before he can turn and leave, she spots him and smiles at him. He has to go in now. 

He walks in and greets his mother. "Hey mom." She smiles up at him and takes his hand in hers. 

"Hey baby." She greets. He sits down next to her. "I had a feeling you would come today." She states as she brushes Reids hair behind his ear. "You need a haircut." She comments. "It's to long." Reid chuckles a bit and nods. 

"Mom, I...Do you remember when I told you that Derek and I were together?" He asks. She nods, in response.

"Then you were together with that Aaron Hotchner." She comments with a grin. "You were dating your boss, and did it work out? Nope." Reid nods, knowing his mother doesn't mean any harm. 

"Well, I am kind of in a bind." Reid tells her, gaining her full attention. 

"Spencer, what have you done?" She asks, now sounding worried and looks around the room, making sure no one is listening. 

"No, it''s not that." Reid insures her. Making her a bit calmer. "I left the BAU because I know I can't have both of them, and it seems like my world has been turned upside down." He explains. 

"Spencer, have you been eating healthy? You seem skinnier and more nervous than you use to." His mother comments. 

"I...I'm struggling." Reid admits to her. He doesn't have to say anymore, his mother knowing what he means and embraces her child. 

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