Chapter 1: Family

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Mike: "Well?"

Carrie looks down.

Carrie: "It says um...not pregnant."

Carrie gets up and throws it in the trash can.

Mike: "Care it'll happen."

Carrie: "I know but I'm so sick of getting negatives."

Mike: "I know."

Carrie: "Look I have to go meet up with Brad to practice our skit for the CMA's."

Mike gives her a kiss and she heads over to Brad's house. They have been friends for a long time and are practically the funniest people to be around when it comes to the country family. When she got there she knocked on the door, when Brad answered he invited her in and gave her a beer.

Brad: "Hey you ok you look a little stressed."

Carrie: "Yeah it's just this thing going on at home but I'm fine totally fine."

Brad: "Ok..."

Brad could tell something was wrong but he didn't want to pry.

Carrie: "So should we get started?"

Brad: "Yeah, um do you want to take it from this line?"

Carrie: "Yeah."

The start rehearsing and when they were done they were sitting there in awkward silence.

Carrie: "So where's Kim?"

Brad: "At the doctors office to if she's um..."

Carrie: "What?"

Brad: "Nothing um you up for a movie?"

Carrie: "Sure."

Brad gets off the couch and puts in Cujo, in the middle of the movie Carrie gets spooked and curls up next to Brad. Brad puts his arms around her trying to keep her "safe".

Carrie: "Oh my god what hell is wrong with this dog?!"

Carrie looks up to him and they both lock eyes.

Carrie: "Thanks for protecting me."

Brad: "It's no problem."

They both lean in and share this very passionate kiss, when the kissed ended they could hear Kim's car pull up. They separated and couldn't even look at each other.

Kim: "I'm home...oh Carrie I didn't know you'd be here?"

Carrie: "Don't worry I was just leaving."

Carrie got up and left the house.

Kim: "What's up with you two?"

Brad: "Oh we just had a fight."

Kim: "Oh I'm sorry."

Brad: "So um are we having a baby?"

Kim: "No."

Brad: "Oh well we'll try again next month."

Kim: "I know...I'm gonna go upstairs and shower."

Brad: "Ok I'm gonna go apologizes to Carrie."

Kim: "She left."

Brad: "I know."

Brad grabs his keys and heads out to his truck. When he got to Carrie's house he knocked on the door to find Mike answer it.

Mike: "Hey Brad what's up?"

Brad: "I was wondering if I could talk talk to Carrie?"

Mike: "Carrie, Brad's here!"

Brad stands there trying to avoid eye contact with Mike.

Mike: "Come on in."

Brad: "Thanks."

Carrie walks downstairs and asks Mike to give them a minute. After Mike left Carrie and Brad just stood there facing each other Brad had his hands in his pockets and was looking at the floor.

Carrie: "What do you want Brad?"

Brad: "I just wanted to let you know that I am really sorry about what happened over at my house."

Carrie: "Brad we have to be more careful this is the second time that has happened."

Brad takes his hands out of his pockets and walks close to Carrie and looked into her eyes.

Brad: "Care this is a feeling that won't just go away I think I actually have feelings for you."

Carrie: "As friends right?"

He knew she would never leave Mike and he didn't want to leave Kim.

Brad: "Right...maybe I should go?"

Brad walks to the door and opens it.

Carrie: "Brad I didn't mean..."

Brad: "I'll see you at the CMA's."

He shuts the door and Carrie starts to cry, comes back to the room and wrapped her in a hug.

Mike: "This fight will blow over."

Carrie: "It's not that easy."

Thanks for reading hope u enjoyed it, love ya'll, comment and vote!!!!

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