Chapter 11: Truth be Told

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Brad and Luke finally come back from Blake's house.

Carrie: "Any luck?"

Brad: " Care can I talk o you for a second?"

Carrie: "Yeah."

Carrie and Brad both walk out into the porch and sit on the bench just to the left of the door.

Carrie: "What's up?"

Brad: "Um Blake brought something to my attention, he asked me if I knew where this thing between you and me was going."

Carrie: "Oh..."

Brad: "Where is this going?"

Carrie: "I don't know where do you picture us in six years?"

Brad: "Me?"

Carrie: "Yeah where do you see us in six years?"

Brad: "Well um I guess I see us with our son, in our house, um we'd be married and I guess maybe we could have another kid."

Carrie: "Oh."

Brad: "Oh that's all I get, oh."

Carrie: "You want to get married?"

Brad: "Yeah don't you?"

Carrie: " I I I mean after everything with Mike, Kim, Blake and Miranda I don't really believe in marriage anymore."

Brad: "How could you not believe in it its out there it exists."

Carrie: "No Brad it's just I don't think marriage brings people together, I think it tears them apart."

Brad: "How could you say that?"

Carrie: "Really look at Blake and Miranda they're perfect together and the sweetest people in the world but since their marriage they just brought out the worst in each other. The same thing happens with me and Mike, and even you and Kim."

Brad: "So you're basically saying that you don't want to get married?"

Carrie: "I guess I am."

Brad: "I see, even though I'm father of your child marrying me is just something you don't want to do."

Carrie: "Brad 50% of marriages end in divorce, and we both add on to that percentage, I just don't want to end up putting another marriage in that pile."

Brad: "Well I do want to get married, and not all marriages end in divorce you just have to take a chance."

Carrie: "But if they do end none of them end in friendship and I couldn't stand losing you."

Brad: "So you're basically saying that you know our marriage would fail."

Carrie: "No I'm not saying that."

Brad: "Yes you are."

Miranda walks out of the house and starts heading to her car.

Carrie: "Ran where are you going?"

Miranda: "My lawyers office."

Carrie: "Ran..."

Miranda: "I'm sorry Care it's over."

She starts her car and takes off down the road.

Brad: "Carrie..."

Carrie: "Brad why are you hounding me about marriage?"

Brad reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box and opens it to show a huge ring inside.

Brad: "I was hoping in six years we'd be married for at least five."

Carrie: "Brad I'm sorry but I don't want to get married."

Brad: "But I do."

Carrie: "So what does this mean for us?"

Brad: "I don't know."

Caroline: "Are you two coming in anytime soon, we have to stop Blake and Miranda from making this dumbass mistake."

Brad: "Caroline maybe they just want different things you know how that really can ruin a relationship."

Caroline: "But that's not their problem."

Brad: "You never know till you ask, right Carrie?"

Carrie: "Well maybe Blake is just not listening to Ran like most men do."

Brad: "Well maybe he should just walk away."

Carrie: "Maybe he should."

Caroline: "I don't think your talking about Blake and Miranda are you?"

Brad goes inside and slams the door.

Carrie: "I guess not."

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