Chapter 15: Change

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Brad: "What?"

Carrie: "I said, what if I changed my mind?"

Brad: "Are you telling me you want to get married?"

Carrie: "I'm not saying that permanently, but I'm saying that I'm open to the idea."

Brad gets up and kisses Carrie.

Carrie: "But if or when you do propose it better be really, really good."

He laughs.

Brad: "I promise."

Miranda: "Can we come back in yet I'm not done kissing up to John for favorite aunt!"

Carrie: "Yes come on in!

Miranda: "Where is he?"

She finds him and picks him up, I could tell he was already warming up to her.

Brad: "Where's Blake?"

Caroline: "He's still out in the waiting room."

Brad: "I'll go see if he's ok."

Brad kisses Carrie and walks out of the room searching for Blake. When he got to the waiting room he saw Blake on the phone and decided to wait till he was done.

Blake: "Thanks for letting me know...yeah...bye."

Brad: "Hey man what's going on?"

Blake: "The divorce is final...Miranda and I have to go down and sign the papers in another hour."

Brad: "Oh are you ok with this?"

Blake: "Yeah I mean I spent years with her as my family it's just hard to except that just with one paper I'll be ending my family."

Brad: "Oh my god you still love her!"

Blake: "Brad...don't tell her ok?"

Brad: "No I'm telling her...Blake every marriage that can be saved should be saved now go and tell her I'm sure she feels the same way."

Blake: "I don't love her in that way anymore I love her as in I spent years of my life with her. I love her as a friend not a wife...I better go tell her we have to go to my lawyers office, this marriage is over."

Brad follows him back to Carrie's room.

Blake: "Ran we gotta go to my lawyers office."

Luke: "Wait where are you guys going?"

Blake: "Our divorce is final we're going down to sign the papers."

Miranda: "I thought it was going to be final till next week?"

Blake: "They did the paperwork faster than expected."

Miranda: "Ok let's get this over with."

Carrie: "Wait you two are really going trough with this?"

Miranda: "Yeah we are."

Carrie: "You two still love each other don't you?"

Miranda: "As friends not has husband and wife."

Carrie: "But..."

Miranda: "Carrie it's over, congratulations on your son but we gotta go."

After they left everyone was just sitting there in awkward silence.

Carrie: "They can't do this a divorce will ruin peace in this so called family."

Luke: "It's their decision, it's a dumbass decision but it's theirs."

Caroline: "Well we better get home to the boys, congratulations again you two."

She handed John off to Carrie and they left.

Carrie: "I can't believe they're actually doing this."

Brad: "You never know maybe they'll back out."

{At the layers office}
Lawyer: "Ok now Mr. Shelton you can sign here, and Mrs. Shelton you can sign here and you'll go back to being Miss. Lambert."

Blake: "Ok um."

Miranda: "We need a pen."


{At the hospital}
As Carrie saw Brad holding John she smiled, and then they saw Blake and Miranda walk through the door.

Carrie: "So?"

Miranda: "We did it, I'm no longer Mrs. Shelton."

Blake: "Yeah we just came by to tell you we actually went through with it."

Carrie: "I was hoping you wouldn't."

Miranda: "I know, but um anyway I guess I'll see you guys when you come back home...bye."

Brad: "See ya."

They left and Carrie started to cry. Brad put John in his little bed and took Carrie into his arms.

Carrie: "I can't believe this."

Brad: "I know, I know."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading!!! Comment and vote!!! Love ya'll!!

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