Someone Special (Chapter 31)

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The Shield had been beat down by The New Day, Luke and Erick. They all took a beating, but Roman took most of the punishment, but he still refused medical attention. When he woke up he realized that they had Melody and despite being in pain he got up and made his way to the backstage area leaving Dean and Seth behind. It wasn't the best idea to take off alone, but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was finding Melody before something happened to her. The last time Bray had Melody not only did he kiss her, but he also hit her and threatened to burn her. Roman tried not to think about what Bray could do to her, but as each second went by the more worried he got. Dean and Seth came backstage and saw Roman freaking out. Roman was beyond angry at this point, it seemed like there was nothing he could to keep Bray away from Melody. He started flipping tables and throwing things. Dean and Seth came up to him and tried to calm him down.

"Roman Bro calm down!"

"Don't tell me to calm down Dean, you know it only pisses me off more! Every time... Every Fucking time Melody is here Bray finds a way to take her from me... He always manages to do something to get to her, then he does something either physical, or mental to her. Either way she is never the same... She ended up getting hurt, she's supposed to feel safe with me, but I can't even protect her. What the Hell am I supposed to do?!"

Seth looked over at Dean.

"We let our Lunatic think of something... We'll fight crazy with crazy just like last time."

"Yeah... Leave it to me Roman... This time I don't think we're going to get in his head so this time we're bringing out the big guns. We're going to find them and kick their asses."

They were interrupted when one of the tvs backstage cut to Bray in his promo location. They turned their attention to the screen and saw Luke and Erick sitting in chairs and at first Bray had his back turned to the camera. He wasn't in his normal promo location. He was in what looked like a basement area. There was a fireplace area and it looked like he was trying to heat up some kind of metal. Bray turned around and showed everyone what he had in his hand. It was a branding iron, something some farmers used to mark their livestock. He started speaking.

"Luke, Erick... I think you know why you're here. To prove your loyalty to me, and to be called my brothers you must receive the mark of brotherhood... The mark of family."

This branding iron just happened to in the shape of a buzzard, the same symbol on Bray's fedora. Luke and Erick were quiet and stayed still. The Shield thought for sure that Luke and Erick would object to this but were surprised and watched in horror as Erick went through with it. As the branding iron made contact with his skin he closed his eyes balled his hands into a fist and did everything he could not to cry out in pain. Once the metal was removed everyone could see the buzzard symbol almost like a tattoo on Erick's forehead. It was a permanent reminder that Erick was a brother to Bray. Bray smiled at this and then looked to Luke and Melody. Melody was now awake and aware of what was going on. She could smell the burning flesh from Erick's forehead. Her mouth was taped so no one really heard her scream, but everyone could see the look of terror on her face. Bray spoke again.

"I'm so proud of you Erick. You have shown me great loyalty by taking the mark of family. You are my brother. I had to do this a symbol. I mark what is mine. Melody... My Beloved, beautiful, dear sweet Melody. Soon you will have this mark and then everyone will know who you really belong to... You belong to me. You're mine. Patience Melody... First I need to reheat this and mark our other brother."

Luke had his left arm ready for this as Bray went to reheat the branding iron. After The Shield witnessed Erick follow through with it they realized that they needed to find Melody before Bray. Dean picked up something and handed it to Seth and then picked up something for himself before he handed something to Roman. Roman noticed that Seth had a chair, Dean had a kendo stick and he was holding out ba chair and kendo stick to Roman.

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