The begining

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I stare into a gorgeous scene. Giant trees, a beautiful waterfall with a crystal lake, animals of all kinds, and light streaming in at every point possible. It's was absolutely amazing, perfect even. Maybe a little too perfect. That's when it all changed. The scene before me changed faster that I could comprehend. The trees became back, the water fall stared pouring a black oilish looking substance into the lake where it replaced the crystal clear water. The whole scene became a gray color. But the worst part was the animals. They all disappeared, to be seemingly replaced by the monster that now stood no more than 50 feet in front of me. The beast stood at least forty feet tall, with events that glowed an Erie red color. It was a little hard to make out what it looked like exactly, but from what I could see in the dim light sent chills down my spine. It had the head of a monsterous ram with horns that looked as though they could rip mountains apart, the torso of what looked to be a dragon, with claws longer than me ending the hands, it had the haunches of a wolf and the tail of a lion. But the worst part, the roar. When it roared it was loud enough to shake the earth beneath me. I screamed and covered my ears at the horrific sound. It was no use compared to the nightmarish sound coming from the nightmare that stood before me.  I dropped to my knees as it started to move towards me. I knew from that moment this was it, this was the end of me.

I woke with a start and almost screamed if weren't for Kai, my wolf pup whimpering when I startled him. I found Kai 2 months ago when I was walking through the forest behind my flat. I had heard a gun shot and what soused like a cry for help and ran that direction. When I got there it was a gory scene. A hunter laid dead with an also dead wolf hanging from his neck and a little wolf pup cowering under an overturned tree. I picked up the pup and took him home that's how I ended up with my precious baby. "Sorry baby." I say to Kai and star petting him on the head. " I didn't mean to scare you. I just had another nightmare." He whimpered and laid his head back down. I looked at the clock. 2:30 am. I sighed in relief and laid back down.

   When my alarm went off at 5:30 I almost didn't get up. I finally forced myself to get out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower.
    When I finished showering I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a tank top, and my red bazanga hoodie. I brushed my golden blonde hair and settled for putting it in a lazy bun. (If it wasn't obvious I am female.) I left the bathroom and picked Kai up off of the bed and carried him to the kitchen. "Come on sleepy head you need to go outside before I leave." I walked out of my flat and walked to the woods with Kai in my arms.
    When I got outside I put Kai down and waited for him to do his business. Kai was a good dog, he never ran off, never chewed anything that wasn't his, and peed in my flat only once. Boy did he regret doing that. I was looking to where he was when I noticed that he wasn't anywhere to be seen. "KAI." I yelled and waited for a moment. He didn't come running like he normally did. I started to get worried.  I walked in the direction I last say him. "Kai baby where are you. Come on I have to leave." I stepped into the forest and saw Kai about 20 feet in front of me playing with a guy I didn't recognize. "Sorry about him." I said to the man who was playing with Kai. "Oh it's no problem I love dogs so." He replied rather fast. "Oh ok well I have to leave for school so..." I explained. "Yeah I have to get going also." He replied. I nodded and picked Kai up then started to walk towards my flat. "What did I tell you about walking off mister." I scolded Kai quietly, shaking a finger at him. I walked back to my flat and put Kai down. I grabbed by bag and keys and left some food for Kai. I left out the door and went to go find my car.
   My car was my pride and joy. I picked it up once I started living on my own and fixed it with my own two hands. This car that I am so proud of happens to be a 67 Chevy Impala. I bought it off of a guy for 11k and fixed it. When I first got it, it wouldn't even run. I love this car so much.
    I hopped in and started the engine. Oh how she purred. I put her in drive and started towards my new school.

     When I pulled up to the school I parked towards the back of the school and got out. I heard a voice from behind me that made me want to punch whoever it was. " Nice car, where did you get her from. Sure would be a shame I some one hit it." I spun around and threw a punch at the voice knowing exactly where their nose was. I stopped two centimeters before their nose. "God damnit Dakota. I almost socked you." I said to my best friend who was trying to suppress a laugh. "I'm sorry I'm sorry." She said finally letting the laugh out. She was taller than me by like 3 inches, had short, oil slick hair, and freckles all over her nose and cheecks. She also had green eyes. "If your gonna sneak up on me, don't." I growled. I locked my car and headed towards the school doors, Dakota following. She decided to trot up next to me and nudged me with her elbow. " so what class do you have first hour she asked. "Uuuh" I said rum again in by backpack for my schedule. " Advanced math." I sighed "Damn that sucks. Senior year and you have MATH of all things first thing every morning." Dakota said throwing he hands up when she emphasized math. "Don't remind me." I growled at her. we walked through the back doors ant towards what I think was the lunch room, considering all the noise coming from that direction. New school, new town, new bullshit. God I couldn't wait to get out of high school. I groaned as we walked into the packed cafeteria. I trudged to the small cafe to get breakfast, Dakota trailing behind.
   When I got to the cashier I asked for a French vanilla latte and a slice of banana bread with out looking up. "Ok that'll be 6.50." A woman's voice said. I grabbed my wallet and handed the red head the cash. I went and waited by the out put area. Dakota ordered her food then joined me. I got my drink and bread and me and Dakota walked to the least crowded spot in the cafeteria and sat at an empty table. I started to eat my bread while looking at the surrounding people. Jocks, cheerleaders, and populars almost as far as the eye could see. There were stray people here and there. I was in the middle of taking a drink when Dakota asked, " Can I see your schedule?" I handed her my schedule and snapped out of my watching when Dakota sighed heavily. "What?" I questioned. " we have no classes together what so ever. Not even lunch." She said almost slamming the papers on the table. "That sucks." I said finishing my bread.
    The bell rang and I said goodbye to Dakota then headed towards the 200 hallway.

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