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     MATH why did it have to be math. I walked through the the halls, maneuvering and dodging other students. I was pushed towards a stair case and decided it would be best to not fall on my face. I walked up the stair case in the thinning crowds and when I got to the top, i found the 200 hallway. "That was convenient." I whispered to myself.
     I walked down the hallway searching for room 210. "230...225....220....215..ah 210." I walked in the door to find the room in absolute chaos. There were kids on desks and chairs flipped and people were playing obnoxious music and throwing things around the room. I looked for an empty seat that wasn't crowded and finally found one in the far corner. I put my stuff down and looked at my phone.
Dakota: how's first hour?
Me: hell
Dakota: that's high school sweetie ;)
Me: don't you sweetie me ass wipe
Dakota: I was just trying to be nice fuckface
Me: there's the Dakota I know
Dakota: ;3
Dakota: gtg teacher just walked in
Me: ok text me later

     The bell rang starting first hour. A man no more  than 25 years old walked in and put his stuff down at the desk. "Quite down. Let's get class started." He stated while pulling a laptop out of his bag. He was tall, about 6'2 and had brown hair. He was wearing a white button up with the sleeves rolled up and a blue tie. He was also wearing black formal pants and dress shoes. He was pretty handsome, for an older guy.  "Settle down already!" He shouted over the roar of the class. Everyone stopped and started to settle down. "Look I know that the first day of school is boring for you seniors but your required to attend. So would you shut up and sit down so that we can get this over with." He said slouching in his chair.
       "Ok first, attendance. Since we have some new students, when I call your name, give a nickname and tell something about you." He said picking up attendance. " oh and by the way my name is Nick Hayden mr. Hayden to you all. Although some of you choose to not follow the rules. " he walked to the front of the rooms standing in front of the whole class. " ok first up we have Nathan Amon." He said gesturing to a boy not much shorter than him with blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a varsity jacket and blue jeans. "People call me a lot of names none you all need to know. And I'm the star quarter back for our unbeatable football team." He said with a smirk. A couple of other kids around him cheered him on and highfived him as he sat down. "Ok next we have David azbec." I zoned out until I heared my name.
    "Alex Davis, your turn." The teacher said with a smile. I stood up and the class was silent. " I-I do t really have any nicknames, just one that only my friend uses.... Uh I have a pet wolf named Kai." I said sitting back down nervously and pulling my sleeves down over my hands. I heard whispers from all parts of the classroom. A wolf? Is she crazy?  Where is she from? She's kinda cute. I looked down at my desk and traced the doodles that were there. The teacher continued with the attendance and I zoned out.

The bell rang ending first hour. I got up and put one strap of my backpack on. I walked out the door and towards the staircase I came up earlier. I walked down and towards my next class. I was goi g to have to get used to the massive amounts of other people in the hallway.
     I made it to biology with out getting too lost. I walked in and this class was way less rowdy than math. I looked at the seating chart on the wall and found my name. I sat in the third row in the fourth seat back next to someone named Michael. I made my way back and sat down. Right as the bell rang, a shorter boy, no more than 5'7 ran in. He had dark blonde anime-looking hair that hung just below his eyes, that was all over the place, green eyes and freckles all over his nose and cheekbones. He was wearing a loose sweatshirt and jeans with grey converse and had a messenger bag hanging from his left shoulder. "Sorry miss L I ran into some jocks who wanted nothing but trouble." He said flustered "It's ok. Are you ok?" The woman at the front, who I assumed as miss L, said "yeah I'm ok. Uhh where do I sit?" He asked quietly. " row 4 seat 4." She said pointing to the seat next to me.
     He sat down with a huff and miss L started class. "Ok kids, from what I've seen we have some new students here this year, so we're going to do a meet and greet game." She said with a smile. Oh great I have to interact with people. I thought to myself. "Alright now everyone stand up and let's go into the hallway." I sighed and got up.
     The hallway was a sight to behold, one side of the hall was nothing but huge glass windows that stood at least 25 feet tall. There was a little patio type thing on the other side of the glass. The other side of the hallway had a handful of classrooms and was covered in pictures of graduated seniors from all the back to 1970. I guess it was like a wall of fame. Some kids had a few pictures others had multiple. "Alright everyone two equal lines," miss L said making motions of where the lines were to be with her hands. Everyone started moving and filing themselves in two some what equal lines. I ended up smack dab in the middle. "Now, look to the person in front of you and say hi and give them a high five." She said smiling. I looked up to see a taller, Hawaiian looking guy standing in front of me. He was about 5'9" and had black hair that hung to his check bones. His eyes were chocolate brown. He was really goo looking. Actually I think he was in my last class too.
  I looked down again, trying to hide my blush. "Hey I'm Cue." He said in a deep ass sex God voice. Holy shit I thought, feeling my heart beat speed up. I looked up trying not to blush, " H-Hi I'm Alex" I said mentally kicking myself for stuttering. He smiled a gorgeous smile and held up his hand. I held up mine and high fived him back.  " Alright now people closest to the window move to your right and the people closest to the classes move to your left, whose ever in the back come to the front." Miss L stated. We moved away from each other to our new partners. It went on like that for a while. I got to the boy who sits next to me. "Hi I'm Michael." He said really cute like. He was like that one little kid that is so adorable and sweet that you can't help loving them, even though he has like 6 inches on me. "Hey I'm Alex." I said with a real smile.  We high fived. " You seem cool, can we be friends?" He asked so innocently I couldn't say no. "Sure I'd be happy to." I replied.
     When we finished we went back in the class until the bell rang.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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