Chapter 5

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Harry's P.O.V


Zayn looked so deep in his thoughts. I wonder what he was thinking about. "Zayn?" I said, making him jump. "Yea?" he asked. "What are you thinking about?" I asked. "Oh ummmmmmm... Stuff." he stuttered. I just shrugged it off.

Zayn's P.O.V

To be honest, I was thinking about Harry. I was imagining us being together, our hands intertwined as we walked down the street. I imagined Harry finally being happy. I took a glimpse at Harry. He looked a bit hurt. Was he hurt because I didn't tell him the truth? Should I tell him how I feel?

Harry's P.O.V

Why didn't he tell me the truth? I guess that he still doesn't trust me. "Harry, there's something I need to tell you." said Zayn catching my attention. "What is it?" I asked. "I know that we haven't known each other for very long but Harry, I think I-" "Zayn is that you?" shouted an unusual voice. The person sounded Irish. I turned around and saw a guy with blond hair and blue eyes. "Niall hey, long time no see. " said Zayn. He stood up and they hugged. I just sat there looking awkward. "Who's your friend?" the guy, who's name was apparently Niall, asked. "Oh, Harry, meet Niall, Niall meet Harry." said Zayn. "I stood up and shook Niall's hand. "Nice to meet you." Niall winked. "Nice to meet you too." I smiled. "Sit with us Niall." said Zayn. "Okay." he said. He pulled a chair from the other table and sat down. "Hey guys, I need to go to the bathroom. Be right back." I said. "Okay, hurry back." smiled Zayn. I really didn't need to use the bathroom. I just wanted some time to think. What was Zayn going to tell me? Was he going to say the thing I wanted to hear from him the most? Nahh I highly doubt it. You know what, I'm gonna make Zayn mine right now. I am going to walk up to him right now and tell him how madly in love I am with him.

Zayn's P.O.V

"I thought you moved back to Ireland with your family Niall?" I said. Niall is my ex-boyfriend.We broke up two years ago. We didn't break up because one of us cheated though. Niall moved away and the long-distance relationship just wasn't working out so we decided that we would stop seeing each other. It was hard for us to break up but somehow we did. I got over it though, and I was moving on. Somehow a tiny part of me still loves him and wants him back badly. The rest of me on the other hand loves Harry and wants to be with him. "Well, my family and I decided to move back here. Now we can be together again Zayn." Niall said. Oh God he came back so he could be with me. What am I going to do now? Yes I still like him but I love Harry. I'm just gonna have to tell him. "Niall, I can't be with you." I said. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "W-What? Why?" Niall said. He looked very hurt. "I'm sorry but I found someone else. You can't just move away for two years and expect everything to be waiting for you when you get back." I said. "It's that Harry guys right?" he asked. I nodded, looking down. "I'm sorry." I choked. "Fine, I'll get out of your life so you can be with him but there's one thing I want you to know. I will always love you." Niall had tears in his eyes. "I will always love you too." I cried. "Before I go, can I have a kiss?" asked Niall. "Sure." I said. He started to lean in and so did I. Our lips connected. The sparks just weren't there any more.

Harry's P.O.V

I walked out of the bathroom. After rehearsing what I was going to say to Zayn in the mirror for hundredth time, I was ready to tell Zayn the truth. I looked over to the table where I left Zayn and Niall. What I saw broke my heart. I can't believe this. Zayn and Niall are together. He lied to me. How could he do this? I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. Why can't I ever be happy? I couldn't look at this any longer. Immediately I ran out of the ice-cream shop and down the street. I wasn't sure were I was going but as long as it was far away from them, I was okay with it.

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