Chapter 1 Bye bye brat number 1

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"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Rapunzel how many times must I tell you the guards are not to be flirted with they are to protect you not seduce you!" Queen lily protested as Rapunzel ignored every word. "Yeah I know why they are here but why do I have to be I want to go out" Rapunzel  whined to her mother " and where exactly would you go the kingdom is quite secluded not to mention every thing you need is in this very castle you are to privileged to act out this way!" Lily sighed and looked towards the floor. "You are going to learn a few things and not from me." Lily said calmly handing Rapunzel a brochure to a princess academy. "Haha...hahahaha... Wow... Mom... Are serious?" Rapunzel said hysterically lily nodded her head."oh...well in that case the answer is no." Rapunzel said calmly "it was not a question. I am telling you that you are going to this academy." Lily said calmly but surely. "I would rather go to hell...oh wait I am already there. Look I am not leaving and in all respect-" Rapunzel was cut off "when are you ever respectful"Lilly chuckled "it's working already. Get up early or don't either way you will be leaving tomorrow morning. 

                                                                   The next day

     "Mom! Please I don't wanna go!" Rapunzel whined "and I don't want you to stay." Lily says mockingly. "The carriage is here! Lily said with excitement. "Well don't be to torn on my departure!" Rapunzel said offended. Rapunzel hoped in the carriage with 10 or more luggage's. "Hey driver Sir. do by any chance have a girlfriend?" Rapunzel said in a flirtatious way. "No, but I have a boyfriend" the driver said snickering at the pathetic girl. It felt like forever waiting in that godforsaken carriage. We finally arrived at the academy.

              .                                                 For more read your life away and see ya
                                                                   Until next chapter Suggest

Another brat bites the dust (Merida)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα