And another brat bites the dust

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"MERIDA!" Eleanor hollered! "How dare you disturb me while I am washing off!" Eleanor continued. "What!?! Wait scratch that I don't care." Merida said while shooting arrows at the wall causing a racket. "I said why must you disturb my ba-" Eleanor was cut off by an arrow nearly hitting her. "That was too close and you are too noisy with your stupid weapon!"Eleanor said angrily. "I know right so close! and I never miss a nagging target." Merida said sarcastically. "Well I'm off" she continued. "To where I presume?"Eleanor asked. "Why do you care?"Merida questioned. "I don't need you getting hurt..." Merida gave Eleanor a look "and you are a princess I don't need you to go and embarrass me." Eleanor finished. "Now that, that sounds more like the uptight mother I know." Merida continued with her sarcasm. "See ya later." Merida said walking away.

                                                                     2 hours later
"Hey girls" A boy with brown hair walks up to Merida and a group of other girls. "And what the hell do you want" Merida says glaring at the foreign boy. " a tour, you see I'm new here and I want someone to show me around and no offense but you look bored" the boy said flirting "sorry I should have been more clear," Merida stood up straight "I know you don't belong so the real question is WHO the hell are you?" Merida said "oh,right, I'm hiccup and-" hiccup was cut off "
"Wait your name is hiccup?!?" Merida said laughing with her friends
"Yep, go ahead get it out." Hiccup said sighing
"Ha. I'm sor-"she was cut off by her laughter "I am so sorr-" she continued to laugh
"Don't sweat it,I usually don't tell the girl I am flirting with my name" hiccup said.
"Oh. Wait. You thought you had a chance." This made her and her friends  laugh harder.
"kinda. You know we are signing a treaty  so I thought that maybe"hiccup stopped
"Dude. Not happening. You are so funny I actually believed you." Merida said
"It kinda wasn't a joke I actually have heard a lot about you"hiccup said sincerely
"Well then you haven't heard enough" Merida snickered along with her friends.
"What do you mean" hiccup tried to play along
"I'm not into you like that." Merida said
"Oh so you have a boyfriend"hiccup said disappointed
"Dude get this through your thick skull okay! I.Like.Girls!" Merida laughed with her friends

Hiccup walked away and he seemed pissed but Merida continued to laugh. When Merida came home she saw hiccup and his dad tear the peace treaty. "Holy shit Hiccup! what is your problem! It was a joke!"Merida screamed "MERIDA go to your room NOW!"Eleanor yelled and then apologized to hiccup for her daughters  behavior. Merida heard footsteps coming her door. "Mom I don't wanna argue I wanna sleep." Merida Said calmly. "It's me, hiccup." He sounded apologetic "and what the hell do you want, wait don't answer that just go... I mean really man, WHY did you do that it was a joke and-"Merida's babbling was cut off by a kiss from hiccup "that was not me you know... My dad was being stubborn he doesn't know about your joke neither does your mom" he whispered in her ear. "MERIDA! A carriage is waiting for you!" Eleanor sounded cheerful. "Wait, your leaving!?!"hiccup said disappointed. "Don't be to upset we just met"Merida said snickering. "And I didn't think so..."Merida said "come downstairs you are going to learn a few things" Eleanor said. "Wait a minute she's sending me away... To boarding school!" Merida said surprised "MERIDA! come down now and I already packed your bags! She said excited. "Well later lover boy i am off to wreak havoc elsewhere." Merida said sarcastically "oh well that's funny because I leave for a boarding school tomorrow as well ... The Disney academy right?" Hiccup asked "yeah that's the one!"Merida said excitedly "MERIDA! Hurry up!" Eleanor's yelled "coming"Merida yelled back "see you tomorrow" Merida said flirtatiously. She kissed him goodbye and ran downstairs blushing so hard.
                                                            To be continued

Another brat bites the dust (Merida)Where stories live. Discover now