Chapter One

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I have been in The Maze for two years. I only remembered my brother, Newt. Normally greenies can't remember a thing, but we knew each other. I was and still am the only girl glader. We woke up in the middle of the Glade surrounded by The Maze. We had no memories and no clue what to do, but Alby quickly became our leader. We created a home within the four walls of the glade from the ground up. We have everything from  runners, who go out everyday to find a way out, to farmers, who grow the food we need. Anything extra comes up once a month in The Box, along with another confused, memory-less boy.
A lot of the guys think of me as their own sister and are very protective, but never as much as Newt. When i wanted to become a Climber he thought it was too dangerous. We climb around on ropes and planks of wood that hang above the glade. We call them The Bridges. At first Climbers would try to climb up The Walls, but after a few months we found out it was no use. There was no where to go once you climb the walls of the glade. Since it would have been too much work to take down The Bridges Alby decided to use them to transport things from one end of the glade to the other. Us Climbers are fast and strong so we get supplies from any corner of the glade and get them anywhere they need to be faster than walking or even running.

Newt absolutely hates me being up so high every day. He thinks I will fall or one of The Bridges will fall apart but I am careful and The Bridges are sturdy enough. When I became Keeper a few boys got mad, especially the builders. their keeper, Gally, has always hated my guts because I "stole" this job from him. He used to be a Climber and he was good. He was my teacher when I first started out, but when the other keepers voted me as the keeper he quit and became a builder.

I made friends with most of the gladers. Minho, keeper of the runners,  and Newt are my two closest friends. They're always there for me and, being the only girl, is highly appreciated. I can go to them with anything and somehow they can help. They manage to make my life a little more bearable.

Newts Little Sister (The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now