The Car Accident

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5 YEARS AGO (year 2015)

Katherine's POV

"You have cancer. I am sorry, but you have 8 years to live" my doctor said as I was laying on the hospital bed after the incident a few hours ago.

"O-O-Okay" I said, stuttering.

"We have a rehab, if you want?" he asked me and took a seat on his chair.

"Will the rehab make it better?" I asked, sitting up and putting my T-shirt on.

"We don't think so, but that will guarantee you to live longer" he said, looking at me.

"Oh okay. When it will start?" I asked him, thinking about the rehab.

"I was thinking we could start on Monday since it's Friday evening now and I have to go home" he said and he started to pack his things.

"Alright! I will see you on Monday" I said. "When should I be here?"

"From 8-9 am" he said.

"Okay" I said. "See you on Monday, Doc"

"See you Kathy" he said.

I took my purse and then I put my shoes on. I then said bye once more to the doctor and then I walked out of the office with tears in my eyes.

I have cancer. I got breast cancer and I am 20 years old.

How am I gonna tell my parents? My boyfriend? My little sister? My co-workers?

I then got in my car and I drove to my work first. I am nervous to tell them, but I have to tell them.

When I drove to my work, I parked my car and then I got out of my car and started walking to the cafe, where I have been working since 11th grade. 4 years and now I have to leave them. It's so sad, but life is life.

I walked in the cafe and I saw a man around my age sitting in the table, which I have to take order from, and I felt that he looked so familiar, but I decided to drop it and went to the back room, where I saw my co-workers.

"Hi guys!" I greeted them.

"Hey, Kat!" they said.

"I have to tell you a very serious news" I said to them and I sat on a chair.

"Tell us" Lilly said. She is one of my best co-workers.

"Well, I quit" I said.

"WHY??? WHAT???" they all shouted.

"I went to the hospital and I just came from the hospital to tell you all the news" I said.

"WHAT?" Joe said. He is one of the best co-workers boys here.

"I have .... uh.... cancer guys" I said and at the same moment I broke down in front of them.

Then a millisecond past and I was embraced in a huge hug. They were hugging me, even though I have cancer.

"What kind, if you don't mind me asking?" Debbie said. She was one of my best friend.

"Breast cancer" I said.

"Wait, if you are quiting, then where are you going?" Louis (not Tomlinson) asked me and he had a point there. He was my best guy friend.

"I am going to rehab, guys" I said.

"O-Okay. Can we come and visit you sometimes?" Marry said. She was my best friend.

"Yes, if the doctor will let you visit me" I said.

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