"Our lives have never been easy"

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"Tom I really need to tell you something" I said with a worried look upon my face which worried Tom "what?" He said sitting up as I sat on the end of the bed "I saw Leela today" I said turning my head "she didn't do anything did she?" He said startled "no but as I tried to run away she grabbed my shoulder and I thought she was gonna hit me again!" As I look sadly at him "but that's when we got the phone call about you, but I'm just scared that She's gonna come and take Steph away from us!" I said startled "come here" Tom said with his arms open as I walked into them as he held me " we're not gonna let this happen! I know our lives have never been easy but she can't take our baby girl!" He whispered into my ear making me feel safe with him as he pulled me tighter into his arms...

Just then celine walked in as Tom released me "oh sorry to disturb you glad your both here I've got your test results Tom" celine said as I grabbed toms hand and squeezed it tight nervously "don't worry you too everything seems to be ok but the heart attack seemed to have been brought on by stress there's no brain damage and everything should be ok we're gonna keep you in and you should be ok by tomorrow" celine smiled as me an Tom let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled helplessly at each other I spent the night at home knowing he'd be ok and the next morning he'd be home...

The next morning bright and early i was ready, Steph was ready and were ready to go "shall we go get daddy?" I said to Steph as I bounced her on my knee as she giggled and kicked her feet and clapped her hands as I placed her in her pram. We soon arrived at the hospital and into toms room who was already to go "ready to go?" I said as he smiled as we walked in " I sure am" he said as he tickled stephs chin and put one arm around me as we left the hospital "1 week without your loud gob at home!" I laughed as he laughed as well.  When we arrived home everyone in the room just felt happiness and love it's like you could feel it. Tom tucked Steph into her cot as he red her a story, I walked into the room and stood there as I watched him sat on the bed with Steph in front of him and how I was so thankful for him being alive. "Oh hey, I was just reading Steph goldie locks for the 10th hundred time!" Tom laughed quietly "I don't know what I've had done if you hadn't have made it" I said looking at him with concern "it's ok pez I'm still here! Just don't think about it anymore"  he said getting off the bed and walking over to hug me " how bout we watch a film and chill out for abit?" As he smiled at me so that's what we did watch a film for the rest of the night and then went to bed and we were both thankful that Tom had made it....

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