The unexpected guest

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I just couldn't believe who was stood infront of me... I couldn't breath speak run away! It wasn't Leela or Cameron if it was I would've slammed the door shut by now... No I think I'm dreaming but that's when Tom comes behind me with Steph and puts on arm on my shoulder and looks at me in shock! "No way" I say to myself over and over again until she says "hi peri,Tom " it was  'mum' Samantha Lomax aka grandma "what? I thought you'd what are you am I dreaming?" I shouted as Tom looked in amazement "Sam! I thought you were dead!" Tom shouted who'd now awaken Steph again by now my mouth was wide open and and I didn't know what to do "well let me in and I'll tell you everything" Sam replied

"Dad I mean grandad is he alive to?" I said as I walked over I haven't even wanted to hug or kiss her she's pretends to my mum then comes back from the dead? "Who's is this baby?" Sam said as she looked at Steph "please don't tell me she's yours!" She questioned before I even got to answer "yeah she is mine and toms baby! Steph Cunningham Lomax" I said looking at Steph and smiling "so come on then why have you pretended to be dead! Do you know what you've put us through!" I screamed that's when Nancy walked into the house and saw Sam and dropped the shopping "is that Sam Lomax!?" She said "yeah..." Tom said walking past "please forgive me I wanted to get away but dad well he has died in the crash so I wanted to be away for a bit so I pretend to be dead and then went away!" She slowly said "no I can't forgive you this time" I said jumping off the chair "I want you gone and I never wanna see you again!" I protested as I showed her the door "I just hope one day you can forgive me" Sam slowly walked out the door as my waterworks burst and I crashed down the side of the door with my head in my knees "peri!" Tom shouted as he ran over "it's ok" he said as he sat down next to me and pulled me in "why would she do this too us!why!" I screamed could my life get any more dramatic?!

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