Begin Again (SuccubusDemi)

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She sat alone in the crowded cafe sipping her drink and reading a book. She is breathtakingly gorgeous. Her short black hair looks so perfect for my hands to run through. Her light brown eyes are pulling me in every time she glances up out the window. Her lips tease me every time she runs her tongue over them I become jealous. I want to taste them so bad and I don't even know her name. I can't stop staring at her and so far I haven't gotten caught by the goddess yet. I sighed as I rested my head on my hands as I looked at her adoringly.
I texted a friend for basically a confidence boost hoping I'd get enough courage to just get up and talk to the beautiful creature. She texted back instantly 'bitch what are you doing! Get the fuck up and go talk to her if you don't I will bitch slap you so hard!' I smiled that's the exact response I figured I'd get from my bestie Julia. She's very high spirited and crazy but I love her! I sent her several emojis back and stood up. I walked to the counter and asked the barista what the beautiful woman had ordered and luckily she remembered. I asked her to make another iced green tea. I walked over slowly nerves almost making me shake. I walked to her and smiled down at her "hello beautiful I noticed you finished your drink and thought you could use a fresh one." She looked up making me notice her adorable freckles that speckled over her nose and cheeks. She set her book down and smiled "oh thank you uh" she paused "oh Alexa and it was my pleasure". She smiled "thank you Alexa by the way I'm Devonne". I smiled "beautiful name for a gorgeous girl". She extended her hand and stood "well thank you it's nice to meet you why don't you sit with me a bit." I sat quickly "thank you for letting me interrupt your reading". She giggled quietly "well I mean a free drink from a beautiful girl is a good reason to put down a book." My cheeks burned I knew I was blushing I looked down but I knew she saw it. She giggled more "aw you are cute trying to hide but it's really not fair because I'm the one that caused it I should be able to see it." I looked up as I knew my cheeks were even more red at this point. I kept my hair in my face and avoided direct eye contact something about this girl made me feel so different than anything I'd ever felt before. A nervous thrill ran through my entire body as she looked at me. Her brown eyes had golden flakes that mesmerized me. She leaned closer and ran her incredibly soft hand over my cheek and brushed my hair behind my ear "there we go damn you have really soft hair and skin. You are gorgeous and those eyes." She held my head keeping her hand basically under my ear. I wanted to hide but she wasn't letting me the warmth grew as she stared at my ever growing red face. I looked at her locking my eyes with hers i wanted to kiss her and I just met her! I glanced at her lips and back to her eyes. Her hand is making me feel completely out of control like I'm high. She bit her bottom lip "follow me". I stood her hand left my face and a weird sensation of feeling a bit tired took over my entire body. She took my hand and walked towards the bathroom. I followed her into the single room. I didn't have time to blink and I was being pressed against the door. Her entire body pressed against me. I couldn't breathe without her lavender perfume filling all my senses. I felt high again as she held my cheek. Her lips attacked mine in a way that made every inch of my body buzz. It felt like she was sucking all the energy out of me but I was getting high from the feeling. I couldn't keep up with her lips and I was sure I was melting at this point. I let out a moan that felt involuntary. She tore away from me looked into my eyes and then pushed herself away. It was like she threw herself back away from me to the other wall. I slipped down to the floor feeling weaker then before. What is she doing to me what is going on? I tried to catch my breath as sat against the door trying to comprehend this. She slowly walked over to me "I am so sorry I honestly didn't mean to oh my god are you okay?" I felt dizzy and couldn't find words to create a sentence. I blinked a few times then all I saw was black.

I woke to the sound of a soft voice singing. I felt a comforting bed much too soft to be my own or a hospital bed. Where was I what happened. I blinked to regain my eyesight to see the short dark hair blurred into my sight. Suddenly I️ remembered the beautiful girl I️ had met in the cafe and the things that all that led to me passing out in a bathroom with her. She was laying beside me just watching. I️ blinked "what happened?" She moves closer but hesitated "I️ have to tell you something and I️ don't want you to freak out I️ really like you it's different then anything I know or have known." I felt attached to her and was kind of sad when she didn't move all the way to me on the bed I longed for her to be close. I thought about what she said maybe I should already be freaking out but I'm not should I be worried? I looked into her dark eyes warmth and comfort surrounded me "you can tell me anything." I didn't know her but I trusted her. She sighed and hesitantly ran her hand through my hair pushing it back out of my face. She went to pull away and I grabbed her hand just holding it. I smiled "talk to me please" I squeezed her hand. She gave me a weak smile "well do you know what a succubus is? Or have you heard the word or anything?" I shook my head "no sounds interesting are you a succubus?" I felt really intrigued. She bit her bottom lip and nodded "yes I am and well it's interesting I guess I well I you see it's kind of like having a superpower but it's kind of hard to control sometimes. Ugh how do I say this without sounding insane ?" She seemed nervous and it made me sad to see her struggling. I leaned closer slowly and snuggled into her. It seemed to catch her off guard at first but then she wrapped her arms around me in the most protective way it felt more secure then anything I'd ever felt. I smiled "Devonne I don't care what it is it doesn't change how much I'm drawn to you or that I trust you with my life even though I hardly know you." She squeezed me closer to her "well did you feel that way before I touched your cheek earlier?" I smiled "I couldn't stop staring at you it was probably a good 20 minutes and I don't usually buy strangers drinks and try to talk to them. I felt like a magnet was pulling me to you the second I saw you." She smiled "okay well do you remember what it felt like when I touched your cheek or when I kissed you?" Oh I definitely remember that I turned to face her fully still in her arms. I smirked "no I don't think I recall at all can you just give me a little reminder?" I bit my bottom lip as I looked at hers. She bit her bottom lip "I uh well that's the problem I don't want to loose control. When I kiss you I gain energy from your sexual desire from your energy but it's more then that really and I've haven't had trouble controlling it in so long that is until I touched your cheek." I heard what she was saying but I couldn't focus on anything but how badly I wanted to kiss her again to feel that high feeling so she takes some of my energy or whatever I need to feel those lips again fuck it! I leaned up and attacked her lips with mine like I couldn't breathe without them. She tried to pull away and wasn't kissing back but somehow I knew she was scared. So I ran my hand into her hair and pulled her on top of me kissing with determination to feel that feeling once again. I ran my tongue over her lip and there it was. The high took over as her tongue danced against mine she started to suck on it and I couldn't hold back the moan. She pulled away her eyes seemed darker as she looked at me "you can't do that I could loose control and kill you!" I felt scared for a second like a flash of the seriousness of this passed by me. I looked at her and I realized she was terrified of losing control she was scared to hurt me there was no way she could kill me. I nodded slowly "I trust you though." Her face was covered in shock but I wasn't lying it was so incredibly true. I leaned towards her as she watched nervously. I leaned in and lighlty pressed my lips to hers and then pulled away. She looked at me and sighed "fuck! Wow you are something else." She pulled me into her again and smiled "can I keep you?" I nodded against her chest as I pressed myself as close as possible.

Hello loves do you guys like the idea of some more syfi stuff? I like this way too much so I'm thinking I'll be writing a lot more like it! Let me know as always I'm open to writing whatever I love a lit of things and have zillions of ideas and love getting even more ideas from you guys love love love you all thanks for reading!!

XOXO DeschaVato

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